Remote, Phone or In Person Service

Expand Your Reach

Earn income as an Independent Mechnician
Become a Mechnician

Your Time, Your Schedule
Your Business

Become a Mechnician

Earn extra cash while providing service without borders. You bring your brand and equipment expertise. Leave the work to Mechnician Service to find you service opportunities and handle the collections. You decide your hourly rate and availability. Mechician Service brings you the service opportunities and technology to provide the remote service. Mechnician makes sure you are paid in 15 days.

Three Service Offerings

Speak with a Specialist

Provide phone support to other Mechnicians or fleet owners using your industry and brand expertise. Get paid for a min 30 min call for all calls over 2 min.

Remote Service

Mechnician provides the tools for you to connect up remotely to the machine and see live video on site. You connect remotely to diagnose and guide the service via the customers on site Mechanic.

On Site Service

Find opportunties to provide on site service. Get notified of opportunities and choose only the work that meets your hours rate and schedule.

4 Steps To Grow Revenue

Step 1

Register as a Mechnician. Submit the brands, tools and service experience you have

Step 2

Set your availability and hourly rate you want to receive

Step 3

Receive and Accept Service Opportunities from Mechnician Service

Service Time!

Mechnican will confirm the service details and coordinate the services and technology to ensure your success

Become a Mechnician

Learn how you can earn additional revenue, on your time. Extend your reach as a Mechnician doing remote and in person service and support for fleet owners without geographic barriers.

Get Service Now

Service without Borders

Find a qualified Mechnician to support your specific service needs regardles of your location