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What is The Hitachi Diagnostic Tool – All That You Need To Know

Quel est l'outil de diagnostic Hitachi – Tout ce que vous devez savoir

La société Hitachi Construction Company Ltd est un fabricant de renommée internationale de divers types d'équipements de construction. En plus de ce créneau, elle est également impliquée dans la vente et le service de machines de transport, et d'autres machines. La société n'est plus une filiale du groupe Hitachi.

La société de construction Hitachi a été créée en 1970 et a participé à la production et à la fabrication de la première excavatrice mécanique japonaise. Elle a depuis connu une croissance exponentielle et est aujourd'hui l'un des plus grands et principaux fabricants d'équipements de construction au monde.  

Hitachi a commencé son parcours de fabrication avec des bulldozers, des grues sur chenilles qui ont ensuite été transférées à Hitachi Sumitomo Heavy Industries Construction Crane Ltd, et des modèles d'excavatrices des séries UH- et EX. Ceux-ci ne font pas partie des produits de l'entreprise aujourd'hui. Actuellement, Hitachi est un fabricant majeur de modèles d'excavatrices de la série ZX, de chargeurs, de machines de recyclage et de camions-bennes.

Maintenant, où se trouve le Jaltest Outil de diagnostic Hitachi pour les équipements de construction entrent en jeu ?

Tous les véhicules modernes, équipement de construction, ou équipement de manutention avoir un ordinateur de bord qui indique par des codes de défaut tout dysfonctionnement dans les systèmes ou les pièces du véhicule ou de l'équipement. Également connus sous le nom de Codes de Problème de Diagnostic (DTC), ces codes sont affichés sur le système d'affichage juste en dessous du tableau de bord du côté du conducteur.

Heavy equipment diagnostic kit

Il en va de même pour les équipements de construction Hitachi. Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser le logiciel de diagnostic Hitachi pour interpréter le code, identifier la source du dysfonctionnement, puis être guidé sur les actions correctives à entreprendre.

 CLIQUEZ ICI pour trouver comment nous pouvons vous aider avec votre outil de diagnostic Hitachi. 

Fonctionnement du logiciel de diagnostic Hitachi

Le Jaltest Outil de diagnostic Hitachi offre des options pour vérifier la santé de l'équipement et s'assurer qu'il est toujours en parfait état de fonctionnement. Il existe deux façons de procéder, la maintenance préventive et le dépannage par symptômes.

Le premier est le diagnostic qui est effectué dès le premier signe de problème pour s'assurer qu'un petit problème ne devienne pas un problème majeur à une date ultérieure entraînant un temps d'arrêt. Cela se fait en scannant périodiquement l'équipement et en déterminant s'il y a des problèmes mineurs qui pourraient entraîner des défauts graves potentiels par la suite.

général, ces problèmes ne causent pas beaucoup de soucis et sont connus sous le nom de codes de défaut temporaires. Supposons que notre logiciel de diagnostic d'excavatrice Hitachi identifie un problème avec la transmission d'une excavatrice. Si cela persiste et ne disparaît pas après quelques cycles de conduite, il faudrait y prêter plus d'attention car cela pourrait se transformer en un code de défaut permanent à l'avenir.

Maintenant, une fois qu'un code de défaut permanent est détecté, le même outil de diagnostic pour excavateur Hitachi vous informera de ce à quoi le code de défaut se réfère et suggérera des actions qui permettront de le supprimer. Notre logiciel convivial s'assure que votre équipement est toujours opérationnel et que tout code de défaut est lu et effacé dans les plus brefs délais.

Couverture Approfondie Avec L'Outil de Diagnostic Jaltest Hitachi

Si vous exploitez ou possédez une flotte d'équipements de construction Hitachi tels que des excavatrices, des chargeuses, des pelles frontales et d'autres, quel que soit le modèle, notre outil de diagnostic Hitachi est indispensable. Vous vous assurez qu'aucun dysfonctionnement ne passe inaperçu et que vous ne souffrez pas parce qu'un petit problème s'est transformé en un code de défaut permanent ingérable entraînant des temps d'arrêt et des pertes pour votre entreprise.

Notre Logiciel de diagnostic pour excavateur Hitachi offre une excellente couverture de votre équipement de construction de cette marque. Vous pouvez effectuer des procédures de base pour maintenir votre équipement en fonctionnement ou, en cas de codes d'erreur plus critiques, réaliser des procédures complexes comme des régénérations forcées pour remettre votre équipement au travail.

De plus, vous avez accès à notre tableau de bord convivial qui fournit une large gamme de données techniques et d'informations vous permettant d'effectuer des fonctions bidirectionnelles et de contrôler les vitesses de fonctionnement du moteur et les ajustements du flux d'huile grâce à une surveillance en direct des données détaillées et des schémas de câblage.  

Aucun travail n'est trop difficile pour l'outil de diagnostic Hitachi car vous bénéficiez de services généralement offerts au niveau du concessionnaire.

Outil de diagnostic d'excavatrice Hitachi et régénérations forcées

L'une des activités les plus complexes qui est facilitée par notre Logiciel de diagnostic Hitachi est force régénérations. Cela devient nécessaire pour les équipements alimentés par des moteurs diesel, ce qui est très courant sur les modèles d'excavatrices Hitachi. Alors, quel est le code de défaut de l'équipement de construction Hitachi qui nécessite des régénérations forcées pour le supprimer ?

Même si notre logiciel de diagnostic d'excavatrice Hitachi est hautement optimisé pour résoudre les problèmes de transmissions, d'hydrauliques, de lumières et plus encore, les régénérations forcées sont une activité très critique qu'il effectue pour maintenir le moteur en marche sans interruption. Les régénérations forcées sont effectuées lorsqu'il y a une accumulation importante de suie dans le filtre à particules diesel des moteurs diesel et que le véhicule ou l'équipement passe en mode dégradé dans les cas les plus graves.

Cela se produit généralement lorsque les régénérations passives habituelles ne peuvent pas éliminer la suie dans le DPF et qu'une régénération forcée doit être effectuée. C'est un phénomène qui est généralement observé dans les moteurs qui ne fonctionnent pas sur de longues distances mais qui ont des actions d'arrêt et de démarrage en continu. Les régénérations forcées sont la forme la plus élevée de régénération du DPF.

Notre Outil de diagnostic Hitachi l'ordinateur de bord vous avertira si de la suie s'est accumulée dans le DPF et nécessite un nettoyage. Le logiciel vous guidera à travers la puissance des régénérations forcées requises, allant de Élevée à Très Élevée. Pour effectuer des régénérations forcées, le moteur doit tourner pendant environ 40 minutes à un régime à calculer par l'outil de maintenance. Cela augmente la température des gaz d'échappement, ce qui brûle finalement la suie du filtre à particules diesel.


Logiciel de diagnostic d'excavatrice Hitachi – Effacement des codes d'erreur

Nous avons vu dans cet article comment l'outil de diagnostic Hitachi lit et efface toute défaillance de votre équipement, comme indiqué par les codes d'erreur dans l'ordinateur de bord. Bien que les codes d'erreur ne soient pas standardisés, ils sont courants parmi différents modèles d'équipement. Par exemple, le outil de diagnostic pour excavateur Hitachi analyse les codes d'erreur de la plupart des séries de problèmes d'excavatrices Hitachi et fournit des solutions de pointe.

Voici quelques codes d'erreur des excavatrices Hitachi et ce que cela signifie pour vous.   

  • 11100-2 la vitesse du moteur est anormale
  • 11101-3 capteur de bouton de contrôle de la vitesse du moteur haute pression anormale
  • 11200-3 Pompe 1 capteur de pression d'huile haute pression anormale
  • 11200-4 Pompe 1 Anomalie de pression basse du capteur de pression d'huile
  • 11301-3 Capteur de pression pilote rotatif anomalie de haute pression
  • 11302-3 Capteur de pression pilote de levage de grue anomalie de haute pression
  • 11302-4 Anomalie de basse pression du capteur de pression pilote de la nacelle élévatrice
  • 11304-4 Capteur de pression de pilote de marche anomalie de basse pression
  • 11400-2 Pompe 2 Limite de Débit Maximum Contrôle Électrovanne Retour de Courant Anormal
  • 11401-2 Retour de courant anormal de la vanne solénoïde de contrôle de couple

Maintenant, examinons un exemple du processus complet que notre logiciel de diagnostic d'excavatrice Hitachi vous fera traverser. 

Code de défaut : 11301-3

  • Problème de défaut : anomalie de haute pression du capteur de pression pilote rotatif
  • Raison de la panne : tension de 4,75 V ou plus
  • Contrôle affecté : (1) Contrôle de régénération du bâton (2) Contrôle du flux d'attachement (3) Contrôle de l'alarme de rotation
  • Symptômes de fonctionnement de la machine lorsque le défaut se produit : (1) La vitesse de l'opération combinée de rétraction et de pivotement du stick est lente (2) Si la machine est équipée d'une alarme de pivotement et que l'alarme de pivotement est active, l'alarme de pivotement continue de sonner
  • Remarques : (1) Vérifiez le faisceau de câblage (2) Remplacez le capteur de pression du pilote rotatif

Comme on peut le voir, notre outil de diagnostic Hitachi vous guide à travers toute la gamme de la résolution des défauts. Il commence dès qu'un code de défaut est détecté sur l'ordinateur de bord et reflété dans le logiciel après que notre ordinateur portable est connecté à l'équipement, jusqu'au moment où le défaut est résolu. 

Surveillance des données en direct et informations techniques à partir de l'outil de diagnostic Hitachi

Notre Logiciel de diagnostic Hitachi pour les équipements de construction offre une couverture approfondie de toutes les pièces et composants critiques, y compris les moteurs, les systèmes hydrauliques, les transmissions, les ordinateurs de carrosserie, et plus encore. L'objectif est de s'assurer que les pannes temporaires ne deviennent pas des pannes majeures permanentes et d'arriver à des résolutions qui maintiennent toujours votre équipement en fonctionnement à une efficacité optimale.

Prenez l'exemple des moteurs Isuzu et Cummins qui alimentent l'équipement Hitachi. En cas d'accumulation de suie dans le filtre à particules diesel des moteurs, le logiciel vous avertit qu'une action nécessaire est requise pour éviter toute interruption du travail. Tous les paramètres des moteurs sont devant vous sur le menu de diagnostic du lecteur de code moteur Cummins ou Isuzu et vous pouvez prendre toute mesure corrective et effectuer un entretien au niveau du concessionnaire sans avoir à vous référer aux manuels.

Notre logiciel est suffisamment flexible pour vous permettre de définir des métriques dans lesquelles vous souhaitez que votre équipement fonctionne. Cela peut inclure la vitesse de fonctionnement du moteur, l'accumulateur de pression, le réglage du débit d'huile, et tout autre paramètre que vous souhaitez ajuster pour maximiser l'utilisation de votre équipement. Avec les moteurs Cummins et Isuzu, vous pouvez même configurer les débits et les pressions sur les excavatrices, calibrer les transmissions dans les chargeuses sur pneus, et d'autres services au niveau du concessionnaire.


Le logiciel de diagnostic d'excavatrice Jaltest Hitachi est idéal pour une large gamme d'équipements Hitachi dans votre flotte. Nous fournissons des solutions de pointe pour l'excavatrice ZX 470-5, le chargeur sur roues ZW 310-6, la pelle frontale Hitachi, et plus encore pour tous les systèmes et composants.

Cependant, ce qui rend notre Outil de diagnostic Hitachi parmi nos concurrents dans ce créneau est la facilité d'utilisation du logiciel. Contrairement à d'autres dans ce domaine, il n'y a pas de processus de configuration et d'installation élaborés à suivre. Il suffit de brancher le logiciel sur l'ordinateur portable à l'ordinateur embarqué et les codes d'erreur, le cas échéant, ainsi que les solutions de rectification apparaîtront devant vous.

Enfin, Jaltest fournit trois mises à jour à l'outil de diagnostic Hitachi chaque année. Cela permet de s'assurer qu'il reste au courant de toute innovation technologique que Hitachi introduit dans leur équipement.

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The Importance of Tractor Troubleshooting With Optimized Diagnostic Tools

The Importance of Tractor Troubleshooting With Optimized Diagnostic Tools

Let us start with why tractor troubleshooting is so important and how advanced diagnostic tools have made this work so easy for you. Whether it is electric, LPG, or diesel tractor troubleshooting, the Jaltest software will ensure that your tractor is back on the job as soon as possible.

If you have one or more tractors for your agricultural farm or construction projects, you will understand the importance of having a tractor troubleshooting guide that will handhold you through the rectification of any malfunction that might arise.

Agriculture equipment diagnostic software

This is done quickly and effortlessly unlike traditional scenarios where you had to wait days for certified engineers to show up from the dealers to get your tractor moving again. Not only would your farm work be adversely impacted especially during harvesting times but it would also mean failing deadlines for your other projects.

Today, tractor troubleshooting is easy thanks to the technological improvements made to tractors as well as the introduction of cutting-edge diagnostic systems. Regardless of whether it is tractor hydraulics troubleshooting, tractor overheating troubleshooting, or tractor won’t start troubleshooting, our Jaltest diagnostic software has you covered.

Let us now explore how the two – tractor troubleshooting and the Jaltest maintenance tool - work in tandem to keep your tractors operating at peak efficiency.

Agriculture diagnostic kits

Every modern vehicle as well as construction and agricultural equipment has an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) known as the onboard computer. Its display screen is generally tucked away below the dashboard in a tractor. Whenever a fault appears leading to a malfunction of systems or components, a fault code usually in an alpha-numeric format flashes on the display screen. 

Now, take the Jaltest diagnostic software and connect it to the port of the ECU. The fault code will now show up on the Jaltest tractor troubleshooting guide along with the interpretation of the code, what is wrong with the tractor, and the rectification solutions required to get the equipment back on the job as soon as possible. 

There is no need to go through bulky manuals or call for service from the dealers. All fixes are made on the premises without wasting time or money.

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Functions Of The Jaltest Tractor Troubleshooting Guide

The Jaltest tractor troubleshooting software is an essential kit for owners of tractors to read fault codes and clear them. Any tractor with an ECU will benefit from the Jaltest tractor troubleshooting guide. 
Let us take the example of tractor hydraulics troubleshooting to understand better how the Jaltest software works. 
When a malfunction shows up in the hydraulic system of a tractor, the following fault codes are among what will show up depending on the nature of the fault.

  • 111: Engine controller hardware failure
  • 115: Engine speed sensor or cam sensor failure
  • 121: Engine position sensor or crankshaft sensor failure
  • 122: Boost pressure sensor voltage too high
  • 123: Boost pressure sensor voltage too low
  • 11: Master clutch potentiometer open circuit or short to ground
  • 19: Hand throttle potentiometer failure

However, these are simply general examples and the fault codes for tractor loader hydraulics troubleshooting will not be the same against all makes and models of tractors. Fault codes for New Holland tractors will not be the same as John Deere tractors.

Tractor Troubleshooting

The Jaltest maintenance tool covers almost 120 different agricultural equipment brands including John Deere, Case IH, New Holland, Kubota, Challenger, Volvo, Caterpillar, and others. Additionally, our tractor troubleshooting tool seamlessly connects to other types of agricultural equipment such as harvesters, combines, balers, swathers, sprayers, and more.
However, when you use the Jaltest tractor hydraulics troubleshooting software, this tool covers all the major brands of tractors. Going by the fault codes, procedures for repairing and fixing problems are built into the software by the original equipment manufacturer. This makes our tractor troubleshooting guide a cut above others in this niche.
Our troubleshooting tool for tractors carries out several functions ranging from the simple to the more complex ones. Moreover, in our step-by-step tractor troubleshooting guide, you get access to live technical and maintenance data that help to quickly diagnose any issue and resolve it before it becomes a full-blown problem. 

Agriculture diagnostic tool

What helps more is the detailed wiring diagram provided in the software that makes tractor troubleshooting a seamless affair. You immediately know where the fault is located and the position of any component that needs to be repaired or replaced. In short, our tractor troubleshooting guide ensures that you are in control of your machinery wherever it might be on the job.

Advanced Capabilities of The Jaltest Tractor Troubleshooting Software

Unlike other similar tools in this niche, our tractor troubleshooting maintenance tool goes much beyond being a simple fault code reader. It has advanced diagnostic capabilities that can carry out complex activities through the user-friendly menu. You can navigate to various functions and features such as bi-directional controls, code injectors, DPF regens, transmission calibration, rear lift & spool valves, and more.
Here are some of the advanced features that you get with the Jaltest tractor troubleshooting guide. 

  • The software guides you on all the connectors and which one to use on the OBD in the vehicle along with the location of the sockets.
  • Whenever any fault codes show up on the ECU, simply connect our software computer to read, interpret, and get recommendations on the best solution to implement to get your tractor back to work.
  • Use the Jaltest tool to calibrate functions and set parameters of various systems and components. This will be above the factory setting as the environment in which your tractor works is not standardized across all locations. Hence by calibrating and setting parameters, you get a working mode that is ideal for what is done by your tractor.
  • The Jaltest software can clear fault codes over a wide scale. This is possible as the tool can measure up to 8 values simultaneously.
  • Carry out component actuation with the software that includes interaction and actuation of various systems such as cylinder cutouts, fan activation, compression test, and checking of various mechanisms.

These are some of the features that make the Jaltest tractor maintenance software a leader in its class.

Read more about Agriculture Equipment fault codes.


Agriculture Equipment diagnostic tools


Full System Scans and Scanning By Symptoms

The Jaltest tractor maintenance software is a comprehensive tool where you can go through the diagnostic menu to carry out either preventive maintenance actions or clear fault codes as per symptoms and malfunctions. Let us go into each of the options provided in our tractor troubleshooting guide. 

The first is carrying out full system scans at various intervals where all systems are scanned for temporary fault codes. Even though these are minor and generally go away after a few driving cycles, they have the potential to become a major problem if left unattended. Quick and timely diagnosis ensures that you do not have to contend with downtime of your tractor. 

Diagnostic full body scan

However, it is not always that temporary fault codes can be rectified quickly and they often become permanent ones. You might then be required to take less complex actions like tractor fuel gauge troubleshooting or more complex ones like forced regens connected with your diesel engine. At every step of the way when you perform fault code-clearing actions, our software will be with you, guiding you through the many intricacies of performing rectification solutions. 

Forced Regens And Jaltest Tractor Troubleshooting

Tractor diesel engine troubleshooting is one of the most complex actions carried out by the Jaltest tractor troubleshooting software. Among the most important in the diesel engine troubleshooting category is forced regens. 

Forced regens as a part of diesel tractor troubleshooting is performed when soot accumulates in the diesel particulate filter and it is beyond passive regens to clear it. In severe cases, the engines might seize up thereby pushing the tractor toward limp mode. To get the machinery back on the job, forced regens must be done as guided by the Jaltest tractor troubleshooting tool.

agriculture equipment forced regens

Forced regens involve running the engine for about 40 minutes at a rev that is selected by the software depending on the severity of the soot accumulation. When the temperature of the exhaust gasses rises, the soot is burned off and the engine is freed up again. This phenomenon is usually found in diesel-powered vehicles and equipment that run for short periods at a time like tractors and not on long-haul buses or trucks. 

Summing Up

Our Jaltest maintenance tool for tractors is an optimized tool that handholds you through resolving any fault codes that might crop up. You are assisted every step of the way to bring your tractor back on the job through live technical and maintenance data along with detailed wiring diagrams to pinpoint the precise location of the fault.

Another reason why our software is a market leader is because it is a plug-and-play tool that unlike others in this field does not require any elaborate setting up or configuration processes. You have to download the software on your laptop and you are ready to interpret and clear fault codes.

Finally, we provide three updates to our software every year. This is to ensure that we keep up with technological improvements to tractors made by manufacturers and our software never becomes obsolete.

A Must-Have Tool For Fleet Owners – The Jaltest Truck Fault Code Reader

A Must-Have Tool For Fleet Owners – The Jaltest Truck Fault Code Reader

Before diving into the many aspects of the Jaltest truck fault code reader, it is necessary to get a couple of things out of the way to get a better understanding of this post. The first is what fault codes are and the second is the category of trucks that are compatible with the Jaltest truck fault code scanner.

Let us start with the truck fault code and why it is so important.

Every modern vehicle has an onboard computer known as the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) that controls the various electronic systems of the vehicle. In trucks, ECUs receive data through sensors placed throughout the vehicle, process the data with embedded software, and then send output signals to actuators that perform set actions.

Jaltest Commercial Vehicles Diagnostic Kit

An ECU controls every part and component of trucks and therefore plays a vital role in truck troubleshooting. These include ABS troubleshooting for trucks, trailers, and buses, truck air compressor troubleshooting, truck AC troubleshooting, and more. Whenever a malfunction crops up in systems or components, the corresponding fault code in alpha-numeric format flashes on the display panel of the onboard computer.

These truck trouble codes are picked up by the Jaltest truck fault code reader when it is connected to the port of the onboard computer. The Jaltest software then reads the fault code, interprets it, and recommends corrective solutions to get your truck back on the road at the earliest. Temporary fault codes generally go away within a few driving cycles but the major ones need complex procedures to clear.

You will be handheld through the whole resolving process by our Jaltest truck troubleshooting tool through live data generated in real-time and detailed wiring diagrams. When minor issues are resolved quickly, they do not later become major problems that lead to downtime and loss of revenue.

Commercial vehicle diagnostic

The Jaltest truck fault code list reader offers cutting-edge and advanced fault resolution to over 100 brands of trucks and semi-trucks. Included in the brands that are covered by our software are Kenworth, Paccar, Freightliner, Allison, Peterbilt, Mack, International, Cummins, Detroit, Bendix Western Star, Volvo, and more.

The benefit here is that if you have a fleet of trucks of various brands, our one Jaltest heavy-duty truck fault code reader works equally well on all of them. With this single tool, you can perform maintenance and fault resolution functions on major engines, brakes, hydraulics, transmissions, body computers, and more. The software reads the fault codes, identifies the problem by interpreting the fault code, and offers dealer-level solutions to get your malfunctioning truck quickly back on the road.

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Deep Coverage and Resolutions of Jaltest Truck Fault Code List

Our Jaltest truck troubleshooting diagnostic software is an all-inclusive tool that allows you to carry out preventive action to pre-empt any major problems as well as perform rectification solutions should any faults arise This is possible through the two options of full system scans and scanning by symptoms.

In the first instance, you can periodically carry out full system scans to ensure that all systems and components are working in peak performance mode regardless of whether any faults have cropped up on the software or not. Hence, you are always sure that your trucks are working optimally without the possibility of unexpected breakdowns due to the absence of maintenance activities.

Jaltest truck engine diagnostic

In the other instance, our Jaltest truck fault code reader identifies specific fault codes when you scan by symptoms displayed on the onboard computer and the Jaltest tool. Based on the fault, you get a wide range of solutions such as maintenance data, vehicle data, injector coding, VGT (Variable Geometry Turbocharger), and more.

This data can be tracked through live monitoring of the truck systems by our maintenance data which also provides component replacement guides. You will be helped to understand how to replace faulty components and whether they need to be replaced at all or may be reused.

What sets the Jaltest heavy-duty truck fault codes scanner apart from the competitors is the range of functionalities on offer. Take, for example, an instance of bucket truck troubleshooting. With the Jaltest scanner, you can actuate body components, calibrate VGT and code injectors, calibrate transmissions, get wiring diagrams, technical information, component replacement instructions, repair times, and more.

commercial vehicle calibration

Further, you can calibrate systems and set parameters to get the most out of the vehicle as per running conditions. All fault rectification actions right from the simple ones like fixing a loose wire or complex ones like force regens can be seamlessly done with our Jaltest truck fault code reader.

The Jaltest Truck Troubleshooting Tool - Forced Regens and Other Functions

While electric and other alternate propulsion systems for trucks are slowly gaining traction, due to concerns for the environment, it is still diesel-powered trucks that rule the roads. Hence, one of the most critical activities carried out by the Jaltest truck trouble codes software is forced regens. This activity is carried out when there is soot accumulation in the diesel particulate filter and passive regens are not enough to clear it.

This state can have a very adverse effect on the performance of the trucks and depending on the severity of the condition might even push the truck to limp mode. It is here that the Jaltest software helps to carry out forced regens to do away with the soot accumulation.

commercial vehicle forced regens

Forced regens require the engine of the truck to be run continually for around 40 minutes at a rev that is analyzed by our truck troubleshooting tool. This action raises the temperature of the exhaust gasses thereby burning away the soot. You will also get live technical data during forced regens so that you will know that your truck is getting back to top performance mode.

Typically, forced regens is a complex activity that is done by certified engineers at a substantial cost. However, with our truck fault codes list, you can get your truck performing as before quite quickly.

Along with forced regens, there are other advanced functions of the Jaltest truck maintenance tool. It will also guide you when the injector code in the Electronic Control Module needs to be replaced or installed. You can also set critical activities like speed limits and idle speeds, code injectors, and bleed braking systems for all types of heavy-duty trucks and makes of semi-trucks.

Additionally, our truck fault code reader carries out system scans such as after-treatment and other resolutions for antitheft, brakes, electronic control modules, engines, hybrid systems, safety, and transmissions.

Read more on truck on-board diagnostics.

Semi truck diagnostic tool

Jaltest Maintenance Software and Smart Shift Fault Codes

Truck smart shift fault codes indicate that there is something wrong with the transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU), the clutch actuator, and other components related to the transmission system.

Smart shift fault codes

Here are some examples of smart shift fault codes and how to set them right.

Fault codes

11: Indicates an internal failure of the TECU

25: Indicates "no faults"

41: Indicates a range failed to engage

42: Indicates a splitter failed to engage

43: Indicates a range solenoid valve issue

44: Indicates an inertia brake solenoid coil issue

71: Indicates an inability to disengage a gear

88: Indicates a CAN Inverter Message (HCM) detection

Troubleshooting smart shift fault codes

If you find smart shift fault codes popping up when our software is connected to the onboard computer of the vehicle, here are some actions that you will be guided on.

  • Check the wiring to the clutch actuator
  • Check the battery and electrical connections
  • Use Data Link software to troubleshoot potential issues
  • Perform a resistance check
  • Use the Product Diagnostic (PD) mode to diagnose inactive fault codes

When these activities are carried out, the smart shift fault codes are expected to be cleared effortlessly.

The Technological Innovations In The Latest Jaltest Truck Troubleshooting Software

The latest version of the Jaltest truck fault code reader has several advanced features that are a cut above the previous ones. It offers optimized truck troubleshooting features that accurately read fault codes and offer top-of-the-line resolutions that go a long way to keep your fleet on the roads.

Truck engine system check

Given below are just a sample of the updated capabilities of our truck maintenance software.
  • Displays the battery voltage and configures the fault code display during the system scan function
  • Restarts the connection when communication is lost with systems in different sections of the application
  • Configures measurement groups in the data recorder function.

These features make the Jaltest truck trouble codes reader a powerful and effective maintenance tool that is a leader in its class.

Summing Up

The Jaltest truck fault code reader is an optimized truck troubleshooting software that is good for over 100 major brands of heavy-duty trucks, semi-trucks, and light commercial trucks. Every resolution is backed by detailed wiring diagrams that help to show the precise location of the fault in the system or a component.

When you connect our software laptop to the onboard computer of the vehicle, any fault code regardless of where it is related to is displayed on your system along with how to clear it. What makes our software so easy to handle is that, unlike others in this niche, the Jaltest diagnostic maintenance tool does not have any elaborate configuration or setting up procedures, simply plug in to the vehicle and you are ready for fault resolutions.

We also provide three updates to our truck fault code tool every year. This is to keep in tune with the latest technological innovations introduced in modern trucks.   

Jaltest CAT Forklift Diagnostic: To Keep Your Equipment On HE Job Without Downtime

Jaltest CAT Forklift Diagnostic: To Keep Your Equipment On HE Job Without Downtime

Do you have a fleet of Caterpillar material handling equipment including forklifts powered by diesel, electricity, or LPG, reach trucks, and more? If yes, you should have the Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool to ensure that they are constantly operating at peak efficiency and that you are not losing on your investment through downtime.

In this post, we will go through the various aspects of the CAT forklift diagnostic software with a special focus on how it clears fault codes and other malfunctions in Caterpillar MHE.

Material Handling Diagnostic Tool Kit

Almost all modern material handling equipment such as Caterpillar forklifts have an ECU (Engine Control Unit) as the heart of the unit. It is a sort of sentry that ensures that all the systems and components of the equipment are working as they should and if not, send out a warning to have the fault cleared at the earliest. This is the function of the CAT engine diagnostic codes, to alert operators if anything goes beyond the set parameters.

However, the codes that are generated in case of any issue are not standardized. Typically seen in an alpha-numeric format, these are specific to the type of equipment and model, even though they might be of the same Caterpillar brand. Hence, Caterpillar LPG, electric, or diesel forklift diagnostic tools will have different fault codes as the internal components of the equipment are not similar.

Caterpillar forklift diagnostic menu

Since Caterpillar forklifts are high-tech models and have the latest technological innovations built into them, you must have matching software for fault diagnosis so that any minor fault is rectified before it becomes a full-blown issue. Among the market leaders in this niche is the Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool that reads, identifies, interprets, and rectifies faults to keep your forklifts in excellent running condition.

Regardless of the model and propulsion system of your Caterpillar forklifts, the Jaltest Caterpillar engine fault code diagnostics has you covered. It might be a minor issue such as a loose wire or a major fault requiring forced regens or fixing hydraulics or transmissions, you can bank on the Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool to clear the faults that are no less than dealer-level servicing.    

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Using The Jaltest CAT Forklift Diagnostic Tool To Maximum Advantage

The Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic software is a highly intuitive and user-friendly tool that can be used either for preventive maintenance or to clear fault codes as the need arises. Let us check out both in a nutshell.

Full System Scans

One of the metrics in the software is full system scans that check all components and systems, irrespective of whether there are any malfunctions or not. This can be carried out periodically to verify whether there are any faults that have not become serious but still warrant a solution.

Cat forklift lift truck diagnostic

Full system scans may be run on engines, hydraulics, transmissions, and more to check the health of the equipment. In most cases, even if a fault does arise, it might be so minor that it will clear away in a few driving cycles. This is a part of preventive maintenance and is an integral part of the Jaltest software to make sure that the health of the equipment is in peak operating condition. Schedule full system scans periodically to keep your equipment always on the go.  

Scanning By Symptoms

The other way to prevent downtime to your CAT forklifts is to scan by systems. This is a more elaborate procedure has it requires the CAT forklift diagnostic tool to go through a more elaborate procedure.

When a warning fault code flashes on the display of the onboard computer located below the dashboard, connect the Jaltest Caterpillar engine fault code diagnostic laptop to the computer. The fault code will show on the laptop along with the interpretation of the fault code and the corrective action that has to be taken.

It is not necessary to be technologically savvy to handle the Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool. The software will handhold you through all the processes needed to clear the fault code and get your equipment back in working condition.

The benefit of using our Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool is that all processes, however simple or complex they might be can be seamlessly carried out. What helps is that the software provides live technical and maintenance data with which to analyze the fault codes in real time to clear them.

Caterpillar forklift diagnostic

Included in the troubleshooting and maintenance menu are a wide range of functions. Among the key ones are analyzing the state of the current value of the accelerator pedal position, engine coolant temperature, throttle valve position, real value of fuel pressure, and more.

The Jaltest Caterpillar reach truck diagnostic tool is a leader in this niche simply because there is a wealth of information that you get about the health of your material handling equipment. (Those wondering how we have mentioned reach trucks when the focus has been on forklifts so far, reach trucks are forklifts that are used in narrow aisle applications, especially in warehouses. Making the aisles narrower and higher is a good way to create more space).

Directly from the diagnostic menu, you get information on several parameters such as system technical data, diagrams, maintenance data, vehicle data, component replacement guides, and more. Again, from the CAT engine diagnostic codes and the ECM, you can perform a full system scan where you will get details of specific malfunctions such as sensor operation failure, insufficient supply voltage, value of air/fuel ratio, and even be able to adjust travel speeds.

Similar to the diagnosis of the engine, you get the same troubleshooting options for other systems like instrument clusters, body computers, and others.  

Read more about engine diagnosis of the Caterpillar reach trucks.


Caterpillar forklift diagnostic tool


Checking CAT Engine Diagnostic Codes With The Jaltest Software

The Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic code handholds you through the various processes and prompts you to take specific action to clear fault codes. It is a step-step procedure that moves from one to another in the following manner to clear fault codes.

# First, connect the Caterpillar forklift diagnostic tool wirelessly to the onboard computer of your CAT forklift. Now, turn the ignition on without starting the engine. The Jaltest software laptop will prompt you to enter the make and model of the equipment as these are not standardized across all types of CAT forklifts. The tool will now start to scan all error codes and systems automatically.

# The possible issue along with the fault code in a fixed format will be displayed both on the screen of the Jaltest software laptop as well as the display screen of the onboard computer.

# The Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic will now take over with a wide range of capabilities and immense possibilities to read and interpret the fault codes that might have popped up. All systems and components are covered along with all the details of how to carry out the most optimized rectification solutions. The detailed wiring diagrams even show the exact location of the faulty component or malfunction so that you know what to do precisely to get your equipment back on the job again. 

Caterpillar Engine Fault Code Diagnostics and Forced Regens

While Caterpillar forklifts have different propulsion systems like diesel, electricity, and LPG, forced regens is one of the critical maintenance activities carried out on Diesel forklifts. Our Jaltest CAT engine diagnostic codes will handhold you through this very important activity.

Now, what is the need for forced regens? Take the instance of the Caterpillar DP50 diagnostic tool to carry out forced regens. Caterpillar DP50 is a heavy-duty diesel-powered forklift and forced regens are common here.

In all diesel engines, soot accumulates in the diesel particulate filter when the routine is typically stop-go-stop as in forklifts, unlike continuous running as in long-haul trucks and buses. When the soot accumulates to such an extent that passive regens are unable to clear it and the equipment goes into limp mode, forced regens become necessary.

Caterpillar forklift diagnostic

Our Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool will guide you through the forced regens complex task till your equipment is functioning again. Clearing the soot in the DPF requires running the engine continuously for around 40 minutes at a specific rev as prompted by our maintenance tool based on the severity of the soot accumulation.

When the engine is run continuously, the increase in the temperature of the exhaust gasses burns the soot away from the diesel particulate filter. 

Examples of Caterpillar Fault Codes In the Jaltest Software

For a better understanding of the possible types of Caterpillar engine diagnostic codes, here are a few examples.

Caterpillar electric forklift diagnostic tool

# E-31: Indicates a problem with the accelerator pedal or throttle sensor. This code may be triggered when the forklift's electronic control module (ECM) detects a discrepancy between the accelerator pedal position and the actual speed of the forklift. 

# E-34: Indicates a spark system error signal or attach-3 lever error. 

CAT forklift diagnostic tool

# E03: VCM communication error

# E04: ECM communication error

# E05: DCM communication error

# E21: Air flow meter error

# E25: O2 sensor error signal

Summing Up

The Jaltest software for CAT forklift diagnostic is a leader in this niche because of the in-depth solutions and the deep coverage provided for clearing Caterpillar fault codes. Backed by live technical and maintenance data along with detailed wiring diagrams, keeping your forklifts on the job could not be easier. You can perform dealer-level servicing that can be done on the premises without waiting days for certified engineers to arrive.

Another feature of the Jaltest software is that it is very easy to set up and configure without having to go through elaborate processes. Simply plug in the software laptop to the onboard computer and the Jaltest maintenance tool is ready to go.

Finally, we provide three updates to the Jaltest software every year. This is to ensure that the software keeps up with the technological innovations implemented in Caterpillar forklifts and does not become obsolete.      

The Most Comprehensive Guide To A Marine Diagnostic Tool

The Most Comprehensive Guide To A Marine Diagnostic Tool

Marine engines are complex systems that require a lot of care and attention if you want your fleet of vessels and equipment running in peak performance mode. To ensure it, it is essential that you have the right marine diagnostic tool to effectively check on the health of the marine engine for optimal efficiency. This will also help you to carry out timely repairs or take preventive maintenance actions so that you are never stranded on the high seas or while zooming past on your jet ski.

Marine Diagnostic Tool Kit

Before going further with an in-depth analysis of marine diagnostic software, it helps if we investigate the differences between the two types of marine engines typically used, the outboard and the inboard engines.

Outboard engines are mounted on the transom externally and are more common in small boats. Inboard marine engines are mounted inside the hull of the vessel and are seen in larger boats and yachts. When it comes to checking on the health of the two, the outboard motor diagnostic tool and the inboard ones are specialized to provide accurate results. 

The main difference between an outboard diagnostic tool and an inboard marine diagnostic scanner is the way the tool is connected to the engine. For inboard engines, the boat diagnostic tool is connected to the onboard computer of the engine through a cable. On the other hand, an outboard diagnostic software communicates wirelessly with the outboard engine over Wi-fi or Bluetooth.

Apart from this singular facet of connectivity, the functionality of our Jaltest marine diagnostic tool is quite similar when used for both outboard and inboard engines. A comprehensive marine diagnostic software reads and interprets various issues and fault codes through different sensors to diagnose any issue with the engine, regardless of whether it is a minor or a major one. However, the marine engine diagnostic tool that you select will depend on the composition of your fleet of vessels and what meets your specific needs.

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Selecting the Right Marine Diagnostic Software

Before getting into the world of boat diagnostic tools, you must select one that fulfills your specific diagnostic needs. Areas that must be of prime consideration are the type of engine, the frequency that you will need to use it (more if you have multiple boats), the kind of issues that are expected to crop up, and whether you need basic software or a more advanced tool such as Jaltest.

Marine Diagnostic Tool

Once you are clear about all these metrics, you can get the right marine diagnostic computer that will ensure that your fleet performs at optimum efficiency. When you explore the market for marine diagnostic tools, you will find several of them. Ranging from basic handheld devices to highly advanced and sophisticated software. Once you understand their functionalities, you can come to an informed decision about which one to invest in.

If you buy a basic marine diagnostic scanner, it will be perfect for quick analysis of fault codes and routine maintenance activities. These tools are typically handheld scanners that read and interpret DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) that are more of a temporary nature.

They are also capable of performing basic functions such as furl system checks, sensor monitoring, displaying live data streams, ignition system checks, and more. The basic software is perfect if you have one or more marine vessels and your goal is to mainly focus on maintenance diagnostics.

Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool

As distinct from the basic maintenance tool, you also have the Jaltest advanced marine diagnostic scanner that fits your requirement for more comprehensive analysis and troubleshooting of your inboard or outboard engine. Our boat motor diagnostic tool uses specialized software programs that offer deeper and cutting-edge insights into any issue with the marine engines.

For example, our Jaltest marine outboard diagnostic tool provides cylinder balance tests, advanced data graphing, and compression tests. In short, you get comprehensive system diagnostics with the Jaltest marine diagnostic tool.  

Features of The Jaltest Boat Motor Diagnostic Tool

Our Jaltest advanced marine diagnostic software allows you to carry out both preventive checks and fault code clearance so that you are never left with downtime on your marine vessel. This is possible through our intuitive and very user-friendly dashboard that handholds you through all functions of the software, regardless of whether it is a minor or a major problem.

Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool

From the dashboard menu, you can carry out either full system scans or scan specific systems or components by symptoms. What is the difference between the two?

Full system scans are carried out periodically to ensure that all systems are working right and there are no small or large issues to contend with. In case any minor fault is detected by the marine engine diagnostic tool, it immediately reads and interprets the malfunction and initiates corrective solutions before it becomes a major issue. This is preventive maintenance to keep your engine constantly on the go.

The other function carried out by our Jaltest software is fault clearance where an issue crops up that must be attended to and set right at the earliest to ensure smooth performance of the vessel. You will be forewarned by certain symptoms which our Jaltest marine diagnostic tool will interpret and guide you on clearing the fault. This is the maintenance aspect of our software as against the preventive mode in the previous section.

The Jaltest outboard diagnostic software offers deep coverage of a wide range of marine engines, from Volvo Penta to Indmar, to Yamaha, to more. Our advanced software offers cutting-edge solutions and troubleshooting actions, irrespective of the seriousness of the issue and you will not be let down at critical phase of operations.

Jaltest Marine Outboard Diagnostic

Even though our maintenance tool is good for both gasoline and diesel engines, it is the diesel maintenance software that is more in demand. 

The Jaltest marine diagnostic software takes care of a wide array of systems and components. These include the electronic modules, engines, helm, powertrain, steering, and more. Among the actions that can be seamlessly performed are calibrating trim and control levers, carrying out cylinder cut-out tests, and setting parameter instructions. Testing is fast and can be carried out flawlessly as all data can be tested live during sea trials at a very fast pace of 24 measurements in a mere 90 minutes.

Read more about technical and live data during sea trials of marine engines. 

Marine Diagnostic Tool

Dealer-Level Servicing Through The Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool

Our Jaltest marine diagnostic software has a very intuitive and user-friendly dashboard that guides you through every step of fault clearance actions. It displays all the technical and maintenance data live once you connect to the engine’s onboard computer. This data can be used to identify the source of a problem.

Directly on the diagnostic menu, you can select a specific parameter or several of them to work on, ranging from engine, electronic module, instrument cluster, powertrain, steering, and more. Each parameter can either be selected individually for verification or all of them can be scanned simultaneously by selecting the relevant option.

Jaltest Marine Engine Diagnostic

Additionally, with the Jaltest boat motor diagnostic tool, you get all technical and live maintenance data that helps you to rectify faults and carry out servicing that is no less than what is offered by dealers of the engines. You therefore do not have to wait for service engineers to arrive for servicing, your problems are solved on the premises through prompts from our maintenance tool.

What helps a great deal is the wiring diagrams that are built into the software of every system and component. It assists you to identify precisely the point of the fault or a component that requires repairs and replacement. Hence, you can carry out several functions with our software that include but are not limited to working on the helm control unit, carrying out compression checks, setting up collaboration helm, and checking ignition coils.

Apart from the Jaltest marine outboard diagnostic tool, check out our inboard motor diagnostic software too. It has steering diagnostic functions as well as calibration of control levers and parameter settings. Further, you can modify the injector code in the ECM when an injector is replaced or installed. 

Jaltest Marine Software diagnostic

Summing Up

The Jaltest marine diagnostic tool is optimized for several functions that guarantees that your marine vessel is performing at peak efficiency. For instance, if you go to system technical data in the diagnostic menu, you can check multiple parameters of your marine engine. Under cylinder cut-out, you get to check injectors and ignition coils, idle speed, acceleration sensors, oxygen probe, and do compression tests.

Each item is fine-tuned to enhance the working of your marine engine. However, what sets the Jaltest marine diagnostic software ahead of the competitors is the ease with which our software can be set up and configured, unlike others in this field. Simply plug in our marine diagnostic computer to the marine engine and you are ready to read and clear fault codes.

We also provide three updates to our software every year. This helps you to keep abreast of any technological innovations in marine engines and stops our diagnostic software from becoming obsolete.     

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