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How to Perform a Forced Regen in Construction Equipment

Comment effectuer une régénération forcée dans un équipement de construction

Les équipements de construction sont essentiels pour mener à bien les projets de construction, et les moteurs de ces machines doivent être maintenus en parfait état pour garantir leur fonctionnement efficace. L'une des procédures de maintenance les plus critiques pour les moteurs diesel des équipements de construction consiste à entretenir le système de post-traitement. Parfois, lors de la maintenance du système, une régénération forcée est nécessaire. Cependant, trop souvent, on suppose à tort qu'il en faut un. Dans cet article, nous verrons quand effectuer une régénération forcée dans les équipements de construction, pourquoi Jaltest est le meilleur outil de régénération forcée à utiliser et quand ne pas effectuer une régénération forcée.

Une régénération est le processus de nettoyage du filtre à particules diesel (DPF) dans un moteur diesel. Le DPF capture et stocke les particules d'échappement, qui peuvent s'accumuler au fil du temps et réduire les performances du moteur. Lorsque la régénération du DPF se produit, elle utilise des températures élevées pour brûler les particules accumulées et restaurer la fonctionnalité du DPF. La régénération passive se produit lorsque la température de fonctionnement normale d'une machine est suffisante pour oxyder les particules. Lorsque les températures ne sont pas suffisantes, la régénération active envoie du carburant dans la zone épuisée pour augmenter la température et l'oxydation des particules.

Qu'est-ce qu'une régénération forcée Une régénération forcée se produit lorsque vous utilisez un outil de diagnostic pour déterminer qu'une régénération est nécessaire et lancez un processus de régénération sur votre machine. Alors, à quelle fréquence devriez-vous faire une régénération forcée dans les équipements de construction Une régénération manuelle n'est pas la solution à tous vos problèmes de post-traitement. Vous devez d'abord vérifier les codes d'erreur de votre équipement. Il se peut qu'un autre composant pose problème ou que le DPF doive être remplacé. Si vous avez récemment terminé une régénération, forcer une autre régénération n'est probablement pas la solution. Vérifiez vos codes d'erreur, les conditions du système, les mesures et consultez des conseils d'experts en cas de doute.n.

Les signes courants indiquant que le système de post-traitement de votre équipement de construction peut nécessiter une inspection incluent une puissance moteur réduite, une faible efficacité énergétique ou un voyant d'avertissement sur le tableau de bord. Il est également possible dans certaines situations que le processus de régénération ait été doublé au point que le DPF nécessite un remplacement complet ou qu'une intervention du concessionnaire soit nécessaire.

Pour effectuer une régénération forcée, vous aurez besoin de votre propre outil de diagnostic ou faites appel à un revendeur local ou à une société de services qui en possède un pour effectuer la régénération à votre place. En règle générale, une régénération peut vous coûter entre 500 $ et 1 000 $ plus le temps de déplacement et le kilométrage à effectuer. Sinon, vous aurez besoin d'un outil de diagnostic pour effectuer la régénération manuelle. Ces outils de diagnostic sont des équipements spécialisés qui peuvent initier une séquence de régénération et surveiller le processus.

Jaltest est le meilleur outil à utiliser pour effectuer une régénération forcée dans les équipements de construction. Jaltest est un outil de diagnostic qui peut diagnostiquer et dépanner tout problème de votre moteur diesel, y compris la nécessité d'effectuer une régénération. Jaltest lira les codes d'erreur de votre moteur, fournira des mesures en direct et vous donnera des fonctions spéciales et des étapes de dépannage pour diagnostiquer correctement votre système de post-traitement. Une fois que vous avez déterminé si vous avez besoin d'effectuer une régénération, le logiciel Jaltest dispose d'une interface conviviale qui vous permet de vous assurer que vous remplissez les conditions initiales requises pour lancer facilement une régénération.

Voici comment faire une régénération forcée avec Jaltest:

  1. Connectez l'outil de diagnostic Jaltest au port de diagnostic de votre équipement. L'emplacement du port est indiqué dans le Logiciel de diagnostic Jaltest.
  2. Vérifiez les codes d'erreur de votre système et effectuez un diagnostic nécessaire sur l'équipement pour vous assurer que vous n'avez pas de composants défectueux ou que vous devez remplacer votre DPF.
  3. Sélectionnez l'onglet de fonction spéciale et le modèle de moteur approprié et suivez les invites à l'écran pour vous assurer que vous disposez des conditions de démarrage appropriées et lancez la séquence de régénération forcée.
  4. Le processus de régénération forcée prendra de 20 à 60 minutes, selon le modèle de moteur et la quantité de suie dans le DPF. Pendant ce temps, vous ne devez pas éteindre le moteur ou déconnecter l'outil Jaltest .
  5. Une fois la régénération forcée terminée, Jaltest fournira un rapport du processus et de toutes les erreurs ou problèmes détectés.

L'un des avantages significatifs de l'utilisation de Jaltest pour les régénérations forcées est sa capacité à surveiller le processus et à détecter tout problème ou erreur. Cela vous permet de dépanner et de résoudre tout problème pouvant survenir lors de la régénération forcée, évitant ainsi d'éventuels dommages au moteur.

Cependant, il y a des moments où vous ne devriez pas faire une régénération forcée. Par exemple, si le moteur de votre équipement surchauffe, vous ne devez pas effectuer de régénération forcée. De plus, si votre équipement présente des problèmes mécaniques, vous devez résoudre ces problèmes avant d'effectuer une régénération forcée. Il est également important de s'assurer que votre équipement est exempt de tout débris lors d'une régénération.

En conclusion, une régénération forcée est une procédure de maintenance critique pour les moteurs diesel des équipements de construction. Il est essentiel d'effectuer une régénération forcée lorsque cela est nécessaire pour restaurer les performances du moteur, éviter les réparations coûteuses et les temps d'arrêt. Jaltest est le meilleur outil pour diagnostiquer votre système et si une régénération est nécessaire pour effectuer une régénération forcée, avec son interface conviviale et ses capacités de diagnostic.

Il est toujours important d'éviter d'effectuer une régénération forcée si le moteur de votre équipement surchauffe ou s'il y a des problèmes mécaniques qui doivent être résolus en premier. Si vous ne savez pas si votre équipement a besoin d'une régénération forcée ou comment effectuer une régénération forcée, vous pouvez alors choisir de consulter un mécanicien ou votre concessionnaire d'équipement pour obtenir de l'aide. En fin de compte, bien qu'il soit possible d'effectuer vous-même une régénération forcée avec les bons outils et les bonnes connaissances, il est toujours préférable de consulter un expert si vous avez des doutes ou des préoccupations.

Faire un entretien préventif régulier de votre équipement de construction est essentiel pour assurer son efficacité et sa longévité. L'entretien de votre système de post-traitement ne doit pas être négligé

Question fréquemment posée

Combien de temps dure une régénération forcée La durée typique d'une régénération forcée est de 20 à 60 minutess

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Komatsu Diagnostic Software To Keep Your Equipment On The Job

Komatsu Diagnostic Software To Keep Your Equipment On The Job

Komatsu Ltd is a Japanese multinational corporation and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of construction, mining, forestry, and military equipment. It also produces stationary machinery such as diesel engines, and industrial equipment such as press machines, thermoelectric generators, and lasers.

Headquartered in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, the company was founded in 1921 in Komatsu from where its name was derived. Since then, the company has grown exponentially with the Komatsu group having 215 consolidated subsidiaries and 42 companies accounted for by the equity method.

Komatsu is today the second-largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipment in the world, just after Caterpillar, with manufacturing operations in Japan, Americas, Asia, and Europe. In some markets such as Japan and China, it is ahead of Caterpillar in market share.

Construction Equipment And The Komatsu Diagnostic Tool

If you have a fleet of Komatsu construction equipment such as wheel loaders, excavators, dozers, trucks, or motor graders, the Jaltest Komatsu diagnostic scanner should be a must-have tool for you. It is to ensure that your equipment is always on the job and any minor issue is quickly nipped in the bud and does not become a major one that might lead to downtime and stoppage of work.

To know why let us see how any malfunction of your Komatsu equipment can be handled by our Komatsu diagnostic maintenance software.

At the heart of all modern vehicles, construction and material handling equipment, and even state-of-the-art stationary machinery lies an onboard computer. Its primary task is to monitor the health of the equipment and send warning signals in the form of fault codes if any trouble crops up in any systems or components. These fault codes are shown on the display screen located below the dashboard on the driver’s side.

How does a Komatsu fault code look? Here are two examples.

When the fault code shows CA115, it indicates engine speed sensor and backup speed sensor failure. CA122 means the intake air pressure sensor feedback voltage is too high failure and CA123, the intake air pressure sensor feedback voltage is too low failure. As soon as the alpha-numeric fault code is shown, connect our Komatsu diagnostic software to the onboard computer to know the interpretation of the fault code and what corrective solution must be initiated. Your equipment can be quickly brought back to work again.

Now, there are two types of fault codes that you might come up against. The first is a temporary fault code that might be a minor fault that does not persist and usually goes away after a few driving cycles. The second is a permanent one and complex like forced regens and after-treatment action.

In both cases, our Komatsu diagnostic will assist you with rectification solutions at a level that is no less than dealer-level servicing. 

Click here to find how we can help you with Komatsu Construction Equipment.

Cummins Komatsu Diagnostic Software – An Optimized Maintenance Tool

All Komatsu heavy construction equipment is powered by Cummins engines. Our Jaltest cutting-edge software is aligned with advanced solutions for Cummins engines and hence allows you to stay ahead of the curve during fault rectification of your Komatsu equipment.

With the Jaltest Komatsu connector, connect the onboard computer to our Komatsu diagnostic software laptop and get a whole lot of technical information, wiring diagrams, graphs, and live data to understand the fault of the engine or any other systems like hydraulics, transmissions, body computers, and aftertreatment to quicken the diagnostic and repair process.

Since the resolutions and fault codes vary between makes and models of Komatsu equipment, there is no standardized solutions. Instead, our Komatsu diagnostic tool will prompt you to enter the type, make and model of your Komatsu equipment before recommending optimized solutions to clear fault codes.

The Jaltest diagnostic tool for Komatsu equipment offers excellent coverage across all core models of Cummins engines. Komatsu has their own brand of online diagnostic systems and Jaltest adds an extra touch to it with the exclusive Cummins diagnostic tool. With this tool, get deep coverage of your Cummins-powered Komatsu dozers, loaders, excavators, and more.

Troubleshooting Cummins engines has never been easier with our Komatsu diagnostic tool. You get all the solutions needed to keep your equipment constantly on the job. However, to ensure this, there are two troubleshooting options to follow. 

The first is preventive maintenance to make sure that your Cummins engines does not develop a fault suddenly and you are caught by surprise. To prevent this possibility, access full system scan on our diagnostic menu and start the process. The software will go through the status of all systems and inform you of any potential problems with your Komatsu equipment which can be set right to stop escalation of the issue.

The other troubleshooting method is when a permanent fault occurs and you are informed about it through the onboard computer. At this point, simply connect the Komatsu diagnostic software to the equipment control menu, read the fault code, interpret its meaning, and initiate quick rectification action. By quickly identifying issues and malfunctioning components, downtime is kept to a minimum, productivity is increased, maintenance costs lowered, and every aspect of your Komatsu heavy equipment is always kept in excellent running order.

Moreover, you get access to our user-friendly dashboard that provides you with a host of technical data with which you can carry out bi-directional functions and control engine operating speeds and oil flow adjustments through detailed live data monitoring and wiring diagrams.

Our software also has several advanced features and diagnostic options. Apart from analyzing the health of major systems such as hydraulics and transmissions, you can calibrate sensors and actuators, replace and regenerate DPFs, and configure and set operating parameters.

Read more about Cummins engines here.

Komatsu Diagnostic Scanner and Forced Regens

Among the complex activities that can be carried out with the Jaltest Komatsu diagnostic scanner is forced regens. It is a critical action that is necessary when your equipment is diesel-powered. Since Cummins engines fall in this category, forced regens is essential to keep your Komatsu equipment especially excavators and dozers and their Cummins engines in peak operating mode.

Forced regens keep your Komatsu Cummins engines running without a break. It becomes necessary when there is soot buildup in the diesel particulate filter to an extent where the engine goes into limp mode and passive regens are not enough to clear it. When soot buildup fault codes are shown on the onboard computer, immediate corrective action must be taken.

This issue is typically found in excavators and dozers where the engine is continuously on a stop-go-stop mode and does not run for long stretches at a time. Forced regens on Komatsu equipment is the highest type of DPF regeneration and is performed by certified engineers with guidance from the Komatsu diagnostics maintenance tool.

The soot buildup is cleared through force regens and entails running the engine for around 40 minutes without moving the equipment. The temperature of the exhaust gasses is thereby increased and this clears the soot accumulation. The Jaltest Komatsu software will guide you on whether to run forced regens at High or Very High and at what RPM the engine should be operated for optimized results. 

Functions of the Optimized Komatsu Diagnostic Software

The Jaltest Komatsu diagnostic tool offers extensive coverage of the complete fault codes list across all core models of Komatsu construction equipment. This includes Komatsu dump trucks, wheel loaders, motor graders, off-road dump trucks, and more. You can either carry out a thorough system scan or perform specific functions (shortcuts) and get dealer-level servicing and rectification instructions on how to clear fault codes.

You can check issues with your Komatsu equipment easily with our maximized maintenance tool to keep your fleet running without a break. In case of any faults, our tool will help you with quick solutions and all critical information backed by highly-effective service solutions and detailed wiring diagrams of systems and components.

Among the in-depth technical information and parameters provided by our Komatsu diagnostic scanner are exhaust gas treatment systems, electronic diesel control, engine gateway, instrument cluster, telematic module, and more. Because of these cutting-edge solutions from our diagnostic software, you can carry out preventive and rectification activities that are only available otherwise in dealer networks. 

Summing Up

With the Komatsu diagnostic software at your disposal, you can get the most out of your fleet of Komatsu equipment across different makes and models. Right from setting parameters on various metrics to being warned out of simple faults like a loose wire that can turn out to be a serious issue if left unattended, our software has your back.

What sets our software apart from others in this niche is the easy of configuration and setting up. There is no elaborate software setup, simply plug in and the software is ready to read fault codes and clear them.

Finally, we offer three updates to our software every year so that you can keep abreast of any new technological advancements implemented in any make or model of Komatsu equipment.       

Fleet Owners: Why Should You Use Commercial Vehicle Diagnostic Tools

Fleet Owners: Why Should You Use Commercial Vehicle Diagnostic Tools

A commercial vehicle is any type of motor vehicle that is used for transporting paying passengers or goods. In the USA, a vehicle is termed “commercial” when it is registered to a company. This is a broad definition and may be fleet vehicles, heavy, medium, and light trucks, and even company cars. Vehicles that carry more than 15 passengers are commercial vehicles.

All modern commercial vehicles have an onboard computer that informs owners of commercial transport about the health of their vehicles. Cutting-edge commercial vehicle diagnostic tools then interpret the information and make recommendations on how to rectify the malfunction and get the vehicle back on the road as soon as possible.

Before going into further details, let us see in a nutshell how commercial vehicle diagnostic equipment works.

Whenever a malfunction occurs in the vehicle, a fault code flashes on the display interface located just below the dashboard on the driver’s side along with a warning signal. These fault codes range from simple to complex ones and cover every system and component of the vehicle such as the engine, brakes, transmission, lights, instrument cluster, and more.

Once a fault code is established, you must now connect a commercial vehicle diagnostic software to the vehicle’s onboard computer to interpret the fault code. Finally, the software provides recommendations for solutions that will clear the fault codes and bring your vehicle back on the road again. It also ensures that any minor issue does not become a major problem by taking quick corrective measures. 

If you want optimized diagnostic software that works on several makes and models of major brands of commercial vehicles, the Jaltest commercial vehicle diagnostic equipment is your best bet. Our software offers advanced solutions to any issues that are no less effective than dealer-level servicing. Thus, one fault code scanner works on multiple platforms, such as a bus diagnostic tool, van diagnostic tool, trailer diagnostic tool, and commercial truck diagnostics.

Our Jaltest maintenance tool is especially useful for over 100 brands of trucks and semi-trucks that make up the major portion of the commercial vehicle segment. Among the leading truck brands covered by our software are Kenworth, Paccar, Mack, Freightliner, International, Allison, Peterbilt, Cummins, Detroit, Bendix Western Star, Volvo, and more.

When you use our Jaltest software, there is no need to have several commercial vehicle diagnostic tools, we cover almost all types of commercial vehicles. This one maintenance tool provides comprehensive coverage of all systems and components of commercial vehicles to clear fault codes at the earliest.

  Click here to find how we can help you with commercial vehicles.  

The Functions of The Jaltest Commercial Truck Diagnostics Software

Preventive and Rectification Actions

The Jaltest truck maintenance software is one of the most powerful commercial vehicle diagnostic tools for heavy-duty semi-trucks and medium to light commercial trucks. It offers several options for clearing fault codes both as a preventive maintenance solution and as a remedial measure for any malfunction.

Let us examine each type of fault code rectification separately.

In the first instance, all systems and components are scanned periodically by the Jaltest tool to prevent the possibility of a temporary fault code becoming a major one. Since this process is repeated at fixed intervals, no fault code goes unnoticed for long.

If a fault code does not go away within a few driving cycles, it is deemed to be a permanent fault code, and required actions to clear it must be taken up urgently. Full system scans ensure that even the slightest malfunction is set right immediately. 

The second rectification of the fault codes process is scanning by symptoms. This is taken up by the Jaltest diagnostic scanner after a fault code is notified on the onboard computer display in the truck as a specific malfunction and the software laptop is linked to the computer.

The software in this case will inform what the fault code is about and the possible actions to take to clear it. Your truck will thereby be on the road again with a minimum of downtime.

Jaltest Diagnostic Kit

Actions To Rectify Truck Fault Codes

The Jaltest commercial vehicle diagnostic tools are ideally suited as truck and bus diagnostic tools with a wide range of cutting-edge solutions. The scanner provides maintenance data, vehicle data, injector coding, VGT (Variable Geometry Turbocharger), and more. To ensure that all fault codes are rectified, the whole process is tracked through live monitoring of data.

Moreover, if any part needs to be replaced, our software offers component replacement guides that will walk you through how to do it, the ideal replacement for your vehicle, and even if it can be reused. The Jaltest maintenance tool is a leader in this niche, largely because of its user-friendly dashboard and the optimized maintenance solutions provided by it.

All issues are carefully analyzed by the software and effective resolutions are provided that ensure that no minor issue becomes a full-blown problem.

There are several maintenance and rectification actions that you can perform with our commercial vehicle diagnostic equipment. You can actuate body components, calibrate VGT and code injectors, calibrate transmissions, get wiring diagrams, technical information, component replacement instructions, repair times, and more.

Additionally, you can carry out complex forced regens, system checks, parameter settings, calibrations, and others. Our commercial vehicle diagnostic tools are comprehensive and offer all the system and technical information required to keep your fleet on the road.

When it comes to resolving issues with heavy-duty semi-trucks in combination with our trailer diagnostic tool, our software is a leader in this field. This is because any fault code clearance procedure, minor or complex, is made easy through detailed wiring diagrams of different systems.

Parameters for all types of critical activities like speed limits and idle speeds, code injectors, and bleed braking systems for all types and make of semi-trucks can be effortlessly fixed within the software. Also available are system scans such as after-treatment and other resolutions for antitheft, brakes, electronic control modules, engines, hybrid systems, safety, and transmissions.

Read more for know about the critical parameters and systems of commercial vehicles.

The Jaltest Trailer ABS Diagnostic Tool

Trailers are an important part of the commercial vehicle scenario in the USA and equally vital is the trailer anti-lock braking system (ABS). The ABS is an electronic system responsible for maintaining trailer steering and stability while braking. When braking too hard, especially on slippery roads, the ABS prevents the wheel from locking up.

Among the benefits of the ABS system are better driver steering control during emergency braking, shortening the vehicle’s braking distance, and improving the active safety of the vehicle. 

Most trailer ABS systems have an onboard computer with self-testing and quick diagnosing capabilities. The ABS runs a self-check when the auxiliary circuit is first powered with the status light coming on after 3 to 5 seconds. In case the light does not turn on, blinks, or stays on, an ABS fault is indicated.

When this happens, use our Jaltest trailer ABS diagnostic tool to read the fault code, diagnose and interpret the malfunction, and initiate corrective action. For other faults of trailers, our trailer diagnostic tool is just as effective for reading fault codes apart from the ABS system.

Troubleshooting Engine Codes With Commercial Vehicles Diagnostic Tools

Never ignore an engine fault code warning, regardless of the type of your commercial vehicle. If one crops up, do not run the vehicle but move it to a position where our commercial vehicle diagnostic software can check the issue and have it rectified.

Among the most important maintenance activities for diesel-powered commercial vehicles is forced regens. It is a process that burns away soot buildup in the diesel particulate filter and prevents the vehicle from going into limp mode. Force regen must be carried out when passive regens cannot stop soot buildup in the DPF.

Soot buildup is very common in commercial vehicles that make repeated stops like buses as against heavy-duty trucks that go for the long haul. Typically, truck and bus diagnostic tools carry out force regens by running the engine at a specific RPM and raising the temperature of the exhaust gasses, thereby burning off the soot buildup.

Summing Up

Jaltest commercial vehicle diagnostic tools provide technologically advanced software that offers comprehensive solutions to fault codes generated in most commercial vehicles. All systems and components are covered by our software supported by detailed wiring diagrams of key parts so that diagnosing faults or replacing components is never a problem.

Moreover, our commercial vehicle diagnostic software is updated thrice every year so that it keeps up with the latest technological innovations implemented by major brands of commercial vehicles. Use our software to keep your fleet always in peak performance mode.
The Ultimate Guide To The Functions of A Heavy-Duty Scan Tool

The Ultimate Guide To The Functions of A Heavy-Duty Scan Tool

Heavy-duty trucks, construction, and material handling equipment are the lifeline of any nation, moving goods and helping build large infrastructure effortlessly. However, if you have a fleet of such trucks and equipment, a heavy-duty scan tool should be a must-have for you.

What is the function of such a tool that helps your fleet always be on the job without frequent breakdowns?

All modern heavy-duty trucks and equipment have a central computer that tracks the health of the vehicle and equipment through the display of fault codes. These codes are shown on the display panel usually located below the dashboard on the driver’s side. Every code, also known as Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), corresponds to a specific malfunction and is typically standardized in particular makes and models of trucks and equipment. 

When a fault code shows up, you need a heavy-duty diagnostic tool to understand the nature of the fault. It might be related to the engine, transmission, hydraulics, or other systems. The tool will then guide you through the procedures to rectify the problem and bring your vehicle back on the road as soon as possible.

One of the most effective and optimized heavy-duty diagnostic software is offered by Jaltest. Our maintenance tool offers users two options to ensure that vehicles are performing well. One is the preventive process and the other is maintenance procedures.

In the first case, you can periodically carry out full system scans to check the status of your equipment. If a fault is found, quick action can be initiated to solve it immediately before it becomes a major issue. These are known as temporary fault codes and do not persist over time.

The other instance is when a fault code that is more permanent shows up and carries on over several driving cycles. Here, your Jaltest heavy-duty scan tool will guide you on how to correct the malfunction with dealer-level service and without the use of manuals.

Using the Heavy-Duty Truck Diagnostic Tool

The Jaltest heavy-duty truck diagnostic tool is a class apart from its competitors and caters to the maintenance needs of most major brands of heavy-duty trucks. These include Kenworth, Paccar, Mack, Freightliner, International, Allison, Peterbilt, Cummins, Detroit, Bendix Western Star, Volvo, and more.

If you have a mixed fleet, you do not need several versions of a heavy-duty scan tool, the Jaltest software is enough for implementing fault code rectification on all these brands and their various models. It covers various systems such as engines, brakes, hydraulics, transmissions, and truck bodies, and provides cutting-edge maintenance data that can be tracked through live data monitoring to clear fault codes.

With the Jaltest heavy-duty diagnostic laptop, you get in-depth coverage and detailed technical information about almost all fault code rectification processes. We even handhold you through component replacement procedures, how to remove the parts, and check whether they can be reused. You can also actuate body components, calibrate VGT and code injectors, calibrate transmissions, get wiring diagrams, technical information, and repair times.

Click here to find how we can help you with commercial heavy-duty trucks and construction equipment. 

Jaltest Heavy-Duty Diesel Scanner And Forced Regens

Our heavy-duty diagnostic tool ensures that you can manage after-treatment systems and perform forced regens, system checks, calibrations, parameter settings, and more.

Forced regens is a very critical maintenance activity that must be carried out on heavy-duty vehicles and equipment powered by diesel engines. It is a very complex activity but is greatly simplified by the Jaltest heavy-duty diesel scanner.

All diesel engines face soot buildup in the diesel particulate filter and in severe cases, pushes the vehicle or equipment into limp mode. Forced regens is the highest level of DPF regeneration, burning away the soot when passive regens cannot clear the DPF. Soot buildup in the DPF is common when heavy-duty trucks and vehicles go through repeated start-stop cycles and not continuous long-haul operations.

When soot buildup is found in the fault code reader of our Jaltest heavy-duty diagnostic scanner, the solution is to run the engine on stationery vehicles continuously for about 40 minutes at a specific RPM as guided by our maintenance tool. This raises the temperature of the exhaust gasses and the soot is burnt off. You can choose between High and Very High forced regens depending on the extent of soot buildup.

While forced regens are carried out by certified engineers, they are guided by the heavy-duty diesel scanner. Along with forced regens, our software also advises you when the injector code in the Electronic Control Module (ECM) needs to be replaced or installed.

Full Coverage Of Paccar and Cummins Engines with Heavy-Duty Scan Tool

When you diagnose heavy-duty truck fault codes specifically for engines, Paccar and Cummins are the two leading brands that you will have to handle. Let us check what functions the Jaltest heavy-duty truck diagnostic tool performs for each of them.

Paccar MS11 – MX13 Engines

With our heavy-duty diagnostic scanner for Paccar engines, you can carry out full system scans to check various metrics like the central computer, chassis module, electronic module, climate HVAC, lighting, instrument cluster, and more.

Additionally, access our user-friendly diagnostic menu and select from a large range of metrics to modify. Then perform cutting-edge functions such as changing parameters of fuel consumption, engine speed control, power take-off control, activating and deactivating conditions of the brake pedal, and more. Our tool also offers maximized coverage of Paccar body modules and actuate components like switches and lights to test functionality.

Going through all these activities periodically makes sure that your heavy-duty trucks and equipment perform at peak operating efficiency.

Cummins Heavy-Duty Engines

Jaltest provides in-depth coverage of a wide range of engines, from Cummins X15 to Cummins L19 and more. We help you to go through reading and clearing fault codes, performing system checks, calibrating VGTs and turbos, completing after-treatment checks, and more.

Every action is supported by detailed wiring diagrams and maintenance data that make the fault code resolving task very easy for you. You can set parameters like maximum speed and idle speed, and perform checks on fuel and EGR systems.

Diagnosing any malfunction of the Cummins engines is a seamless affair. Our Extra-High-Pressure Injection and Common Rail includes a dashboard with all system technical information, diagrams, and vehicle data that allows you to either troubleshoot by symptoms or carry out full system scans.

Monitoring, maintenance, calibration, configuration, and actuating components of Cummins engines are all available in the Jaltest heavy-duty diagnostic laptop.

Read more about the power of heavy-duty Paccar and Cummins engines.

Jaltest Construction Equipment Diagnostic Tools

Our construction equipment diagnostic tools provide extensive coverage across a range of construction equipment of several makes and models. These include earthmoving equipment, forestry, cranes, mining construction equipment, wheel loaders, off-road dump trucks, excavators, and more.  Among the almost 100 brands of construction equipment that are included in our heavy equipment diagnostic software are Caterpillar, Volvo, Case, Bobcat, John Deere, Hitachi, Komatsu, Kalmar, Liebherr, and many more. You can depend on our software to accurately read fault codes of construction equipment and clear them, all the time providing dealer-level services.

Construction Equipment Diagnostic Tool

How To Read Fault Codes With Heavy Equipment Scan Tool

Jaltest construction equipment diagnostic tools read fault codes and initiate action to clear them. Several systems and components are covered, from electricals to transmission, hydraulics, ABS, electricals, and others. You can access the diagnostic menu and from the list of fault codes, check which one is relevant to you and start the recommended resolution.

Here is how you can read the fault code of construction equipment with our heavy-duty scan tool.

  • Switch on the ignition without turning the engine on to running mode. All accessories will now be powered on.
  • Find the connector plug of the onboard computer and connect the Jaltest heavy-duty diagnostic laptop to it.
  • The Jaltest heavy equipment diagnostic software automatically reads the fault codes and displays them on a dashboard to scroll down. You will now be directed to the required system scans after you input the year, make, and model of your construction equipment.
  • Now, scroll through various systems and diagnose the malfunction corresponding to the fault code.

After arriving at the problem, the next step is to clear the fault code. Start from the point where the laptop was plugged into the connector of the construction equipment. Ensure that the heavy-duty scan tool is ON and select “Clear Codes” from the main menu.  

Now, the software will check for the issues and start the rectification procedures. The software will automatically guide you on the required resolution through a series of prompts which includes instructing you to repeatedly turn the engine On and Off.

After some time, you will either be given a Success message or otherwise in which case, other solutions must be tested. 

Summing Up

The Jaltest heavy-duty scan tool is an optimized maintenance software that ensures that your fleet of heavy-duty trucks and construction equipment is always in top-performance mode without fault codes that lead to downtime. All systems and components are covered and you get technical information along with wiring diagrams to make the job easier for you.

We also update our software three times every year so that you can keep abreast of technological innovations made to heavy vehicles and equipment.
A Complete Lowdown of The Forklift Diagnostic Scanner

A Complete Lowdown of The Forklift Diagnostic Scanner

Most modern vehicles, material handling equipment, construction equipment, and the like have a computer system at their core. This is known as the Engine Control Unit (ECU) and is a sort of advance warning system that informs you of any pending or current faults in the systems or components of your equipment. It thereby ensures that all metrics are running smoothly as per set parameters and there are no malfunctions.

These warnings are in the form of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) or more commonly fault codes. These pop up when there is any issue with the systems. You can therefore take immediate action to clear the fault codes before any minor issue becomes a full-blown problem leading to downtime and expensive repairs.

These DTCs are standardized for different makes and models so that owners of specialized equipment can identify the problems and fix them.

Since the scope of the scanners is very large across various makes and models of trucks and material handling and construction equipment, this post will focus specifically on the forklift diagnostic scanner.

Today’s forklifts and other material handling equipment regardless of the brand are high-tech models with in-built cutting-edge and advanced technologies. With one forklift diagnostic tool, you can keep your fleet of forklifts in optimum running condition and on the job by identifying faults and resolving them quickly.

Among the leaders in this niche is our Jaltest forklift scan tool. It is a highly effective tool and is good for all types of forklifts regardless of the propulsion – diesel, electric, or LPG. Any issue with your forklifts is quickly diagnosed, whether it is the engine, transmission, or hydraulics, and rectification solutions can be initiated to bring the equipment back on the job.   

The Jaltest forklift diagnostic software works effectively on all major makes of material handling equipment such as Caterpillar, Toyota, Hyster, and more. You can carry out a range of diagnostic and maintenance procedures, from simple to more complex ones such as forced regens for diesel engines.

What helps when you use this forklift diagnostic scanner is that you are provided with detailed technical information about the equipment supported by wiring diagrams. This resolves issues faster as you are handheld effortlessly through advanced solutions and processes that are only expected at the dealer level. All these make the Jaltest scan tool an ideal medium to smoothly and seamlessly maintain your fleet of forklifts at the highest level of operational preparedness.

Click here to know more about how we can help with the top models of forklifts.

In-Depth Coverage By The Jaltest Forklift Diagnostic Tool

Our Jaltest forklift scan tool provides in-depth coverage for any problems with your forklifts across all systems and components of the equipment. You just have to access our user-friendly diagnostic menu and choose the specific component or system that you want to check. Among them are the power modules, computer modules, transmission, hydraulics, instrument clusters, and more.

Moreover, you can set parameters to ensure the top performance of your equipment so that you are forewarned of any potential issue and can take action that guarantees the desired performance.   

The Jaltest forklift diagnostic scanner provides two maintenance options to users of this tool, one is preventive maintenance and the other is corrective action. Let us go through them and understand what each means to owners of forklifts.

The first is full-system scans to be undertaken periodically as a form of preventive maintenance activity. In this process, all systems and components are scanned to check for any potential issue that might later turn serious.

Primarily, it is to verify if there are any pending fault codes that do not persist and typically go away after a few driving cycles. Carrying out full system scans at regular intervals keeps your forklifts working at peak efficiency.

The second use of the Jaltest forklift diagnostic scanner is to scan by symptoms or when the warning goes off that there is a fault code in the equipment and a specific malfunction. In this case, you must link up your Jaltest forklift scan tool software laptop to the equipment to identify a fault code.

The tool will provide an update on the nature of the fault code along with the interpretation and the action to be taken to clear it. Your forklift is thus brought back to work in the least possible time.

Jaltest Material Handling MHE Kit

Technical Information From The Forklift Diagnostic Tool

When you use the Jaltest scanner for forklift fault codes, there is a wide range of technical information that will be provided to you. Access the diagnostic menu and get critical inputs about the health of your forklifts. These include data about high engine coolant temperature, very low injection rail pressure, or whether the injector cylinder resistance value is out of range, info that is expected only at the service centers of dealers.

To get the required level of solutions to fault codes and service benefits from the software, you must use the password of your forklift. Access the forklift service password menu, reset the master factory password, and get the required password code. Moreover, our user-friendly forklift scan tool makes sure that you do not have to perform any elaborate procedures when you clear fault codes and that it can be carried out directly from the diagnostic menu.

The technical information that helps in performing maintenance activities is related to several systems. These include setting mast parameters, reading fault codes, scanning control levers for any issues, and checking steering sensors. You can also actuate components that include the mast raising solenoid valve, the mast tilt control solenoid valve, the swing lock solenoid valve, and others.

Our Jaltest software for forklift maintenance tracks all this technical information through live data from the forklifts. Close tracking of the state of the forklifts keeps your fleet of material handling equipment in peak performance mode without the possibility of downtime.

Read more about forklift fault codes here.

Troubleshooting Engine Codes With The Forklift Diagnostic Scanner

It will be disastrous for your forklifts if you ignore engine fault code lights that might come on. If you find an engine running rough or not as smoothly as usual, reach for the Jaltest forklift diagnostic tool to arrive at the root of the problem and know what the issue is all about.

If an engine fault code crops up, do not operate the forklift during fault code clearance but move the equipment to the point where the issue will be diagnosed and resolved. Ensure that during the engine problem resolution, all other systems like the brakes or hydraulics do not have any warning messages. Use the Jaltest forklift diagnostic scanner to resolve any engine issue ranging from a simple loose wire to more complex like force regens.

Let us understand this critical engine maintenance activity called forced regens that is applicable to diesel engine-powered forklifts only and optimally diagnosed by the forklift scan tool.  

Forced regens is a process that burns away soot buildup in the diesel particulate filter (DPF) and prevents the forklift from going into limp mode. It is typically done when passive regen alone cannot clean the DPF. Forced regen is the optimized and final solution with the maximum level of DPF regeneration.

Soot buildup in diesel engines is very common for vehicles or material handling equipment like forklifts that make repeated stops with the engine not producing enough heat to burn off the soot. Typically, forced regens involve running the engine at a specific RPM as advised by our forklift diagnostic scanner, thereby raising the temperature of the exhaust gasses to burn off the excess soot.

Even though it requires the help of a certified technician to perform forced regens, you will know that it is necessary only with the help of a highly efficient forklift maintenance tool. Together with forced regens, our software will also guide you when the injector code in the Electronic Control Module needs to be replaced or installed.

How to Clear Forklift Fault Codes – The Role of the Diagnostic Scanner

Clearing forklift fault codes is a seamless process. While it might vary slightly between makes and models, the primary activity is about the same for all.

The first step to clear fault codes is to find the diagnostic interface on the display panel in the forklift. Turn the ignition to ON but do not turn the engine on. This will power on the display panel where the fault code will be shown. Now, connect the forklift diagnostic software laptop to the forklift interface, read the fault code, and know from the tool the nature of the fault and what action needs to be taken to clear it.

Using the software is a great advantage as the fault is diagnosed and rectified in the premises only and you do not have to fall back on dealer-level servicing.

Summing Up

The Jaltest forklift diagnostic scanner is a very user-friendly tool and does not require any elaborate setup or configuration process. Simply link the software laptop to the diagnostic interface of the forklift and you are ready to carry out cutting-edge diagnosis and resolutions of fault codes.

Further, we offer three updates to our software every year. This ensures that our forklift maintenance tool stays abreast of any technical innovations in the equipment and that the software never becomes obsolete.

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Comment utiliser l'outil Jaltest Force Regen pour les équipements de construction - Mechnician