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An Overview Of Clearing The Volvo Penta Fault Codes List

Una visión general de cómo borrar la lista de códigos de fallas de Volvo Penta

Si tienes varios equipos y embarcaciones marinas impulsadas por motores Volvo Penta, el Jaltest Lector de códigos de falla de Volvo Penta un software de diagnóstico imprescindible. Esta herramienta de solución de problemas optimizada garantizará que sus motores funcionen a máxima eficiencia y que ningún problema se convierta en un problema grave que cause inactividad.

Nuestro software ofrece cobertura global sobre una amplia variedad de motores Volvo Penta, desde Tier 1 y 2, hasta el Nivel 5, un atributo del que nuestros competidores no pueden presumir.

Los motores Volvo Penta tienen varias aplicaciones. En Europa, pero no tanto en América del Norte, los motores se utilizan en maquinaria agrícola. En América del Norte, los motores se utilizan ampliamente en equipos de construcción como excavadoras Volvo y cargadoras de ruedas, así como en usos marinos a bordo en grandes yates, generación de energía y manejo de materiales.

Nuestra herramienta de escaneo de códigos de falla Jaltest Volo Penta está optimizada para varios modelos de motores marinos. Por ejemplo, el Códigos de falla de Volvo Penta D4 cubrir motores marinos comerciales ligeros mientras que los barcos de yate como Grady-White y Pursuit están cubiertos por nuestro Códigos de falla de Volvo Penta D6 herramienta de diagnóstico. Nuestro software también es muy efectivo como lector de códigos de fallas de Volvo Penta para motores diésel D13 que son ampliamente utilizados por grandes barcos de pesca deportiva y yates de lujo de marcas como Azimuth, Princess y Sunseeker.

La lista de códigos de falla de Volvo Penta para motores D13, además de equipos marinos, también se utilizan en equipos de construcción y generadores de reserva con una potencia de salida de 800HP para marinos, y 550kw para generación de energía. El Volvo Penta TAD1641-1643 GE con salida de 700kw se utiliza principalmente para generación de energía continua para grandes edificios o sitios industriales en áreas remotas.

Nuestra herramienta de mantenimiento Jaltest es muy efectiva tanto para motores Volvo Penta de gasolina como de diésel. En ambos casos, nuestro software lee rápidamente los códigos de falla, diagnostica el problema y proporciona soluciones de vanguardia antes de que se convierta en un problema grave. La mayor parte del diagnóstico se realiza típicamente para motores diésel Volvo Penta según la demanda, aunque también tenemos un kit muy efectivo para motores de gasolina.

Haga clic aquí para saber más sobre cómo podemos ayudarle con los motores marinos y terrestres de Volvo Penta.

Cobertura profunda y mantenimiento por la lista de códigos de fallas de Volvo Penta

Independientemente del tipo de motor Volvo Penta, ya sea para construcción y generación de energía o aplicaciones marinas, nuestro optimizado Códigos de falla de Volvo Penta el software te tiene cubierto.

Para mantener su motor siempre en funcionamiento, puede realizar análisis completos del sistema periódicamente como medida preventiva. Cualquier falla menor será identificada y rastreada para asegurar que no ocurra durante varios ciclos de funcionamiento y se convierta en un código de falla permanente que deba resolverse lo antes posible.

Por otro lado, puede realizar escaneos por síntomas para códigos de falla recurrentes. En el software Jaltest, se le proporciona toda la información técnica y de mantenimiento y monitoreo en vivo para que la lista de códigos de falla de Volvo Penta se pueda borrar lo antes posible y el equipo o barco pueda volver al trabajo rápidamente.

Cuando se trata de motores Volvo Penta terrestres, se pueden realizar varias actividades de mantenimiento con nuestro Lector de códigos de fallas de Volvo Penta. Estos incluyen verificaciones para el corte del cilindro, presión de aceite, compresión del cilindro, equilibrio del cilindro, consumo de combustible, conversión de NOX y la prueba de zumbido del inyector. El software incluso proporciona orientación si necesita cambiar componentes en cualquier etapa.

Para aplicaciones marinas de motores Volvo Penta, proporcionamos soluciones altamente efectivas a través de la lista de códigos de fallas Jaltest Volvo Penta. Estos incluyen los módulos electrónicos, motores, timón, tren motriz, dirección y más. También es posible calibrar los mandos de ajuste y control, realizar pruebas de desactivación de cilindros e instrucciones de configuración de parámetros. Al realizar escaneos completos del sistema, todos los datos se registran durante las pruebas en pruebas de mar en un rápido tiempo de 90 minutos para 24 parámetros.  

Información Técnica y del Sistema

Los Códigos de Fallo de Jaltest Volvo Penta El escáner tiene un panel de control muy intuitivo y fácil de usar que te guía a través de las resoluciones necesarias cada vez que aparece un código de falla. Una vez que se resuelve un problema, tu motor Volvo Penta funcionará con la máxima eficiencia operativa. Lo que ayuda es que nuestro software ofrece diagramas detallados para que obtengas una visión del fallo y cómo solucionarlo.

Las funciones principales de borrar códigos de falla están relacionadas con la unidad de control de gestión del motor, la unidad de control del ventilador, la línea de diagnóstico CAN alta/baja, el sensor de presión de aceite, el sensor de RPM del motor en el cigüeñal, y más. Además, se pueden realizar varias otras actividades de mantenimiento sin el lector de códigos de falla de Volvo Penta, como la lectura de códigos de falla, el borrado de códigos de falla, el monitoreo y ajuste de parámetros, la calibración, la activación de componentes, e incluso un registrador de datos en vivo.

Lo mismo ocurre con los motores marinos donde obtienes Códigos de falla de Volvo Penta 5.7 GXi entre otros. Desde el menú de diagnóstico, puedes seleccionar ciertas métricas específicas y acceder a diagramas de cableado detallados para mantener tu barco siempre en excelentes condiciones de funcionamiento. Los componentes y sistemas donde se pueden identificar códigos de falla son el motor, el módulo electrónico, el panel de instrumentos, el tren motriz, la dirección y más.

Escáner de Códigos de Fallo de Volvo Penta EVC

El Códigos de falla de Volvo Penta EVC requiere una mención especial ya que EVC es una innovación altamente sofisticada de Volvo Penta que también es atendida por la herramienta de diagnóstico Jaltest.

EVC o Control Electrónico de Embarcaciones es un potente equipo que supervisa y actúa como coordinador entre diferentes sistemas de un barco, como los motores, transmisiones y controles. Proporciona una ayuda al capitán, facilitando la tarea de navegación. Se integra con la mayoría de los accesorios de Volvo Penta y simplifica las operaciones de navegación ya que viene con capacidades inteligentes de operación y recolección de datos.

El software de códigos de fallas Jaltest Volvo Penta escanea los componentes del barco e identifica cualquier falla que pueda surgir con el EVC. Esto es de gran ayuda para los capitanes, ya que pueden obtener un servicio a nivel de concesionario y mantener siempre el barco en modo de rendimiento.

Leer más acerca de las funciones avanzadas del Control Electrónico de Embarcaciones.

Funciones de vanguardia del lector de códigos de falla Volvo Penta

La Lista de Códigos de Fallo de Jaltest Volvo Penta cubre todos los sistemas y componentes de los motores Volvo Penta, ya sean motores marinos o terrestres.

los motores marinos, nuestros códigos de falla de Volvo Penta le permiten trabajar en la unidad de control del timón, realizar comprobaciones de compresión, configurar la colaboración del timón y verificar las bobinas de encendido. Especialmente importantes son las funciones de diagnóstico de dirección, así como la calibración de las palancas de control y la configuración de parámetros.

Para motores que operan equipos de construcción y otros equipos terrestres, la herramienta de diagnóstico Jaltest es igualmente efectiva. El tablero simplista guía a los usuarios sin esfuerzo incluso a través de procedimientos complejos y asegura que el Códigos de falla de Volvo Penta se despejan rápidamente y el motor funciona a una eficiencia óptima.

Lo que ayuda enormemente son los diagramas detallados para entender los códigos de falla y la acción que se debe tomar para eliminarlos. Estas funciones están típicamente relacionadas con la unidad de control de gestión del motor, la unidad de control del ventilador, la línea de diagnóstico CAN alta/baja, el sensor de presión de aceite, el sensor de RPM del motor en el cigüeñal, y más.

Además, nuestro software de diagnóstico ayuda a realizar varias métricas de mantenimiento que siempre mantienen los motores Volvo Penta en excelente estado. Entre ellas se encuentran la lectura de códigos de falla, el borrado de códigos de falla, la supervisión y el ajuste de parámetros, la calibración, la activación de componentes e incluso un registrador de datos en vivo.    

Forzar la actividad de mantenimiento de la lista de códigos de falla de Volvo Penta

Una actividad de mantenimiento muy crítica para los motores diésel realizada por el lector de códigos de falla de Volvo Penta es la regeneración forzada. Cuando el hollín se acumula en el filtro de partículas diésel del motor, hay un aumento en las emisiones y el vehículo podría entrar en modo de emergencia, lo que lleva a tiempo de inactividad. Sin embargo, nuestro software de diagnóstico de códigos de falla de Volvo Penta a través de regeneraciones forzadas limpia el DPF, manteniendo así el rendimiento máximo del vehículo.

Las características avanzadas de nuestro software pueden estimar la extensión de la acumulación de hollín y tomar las medidas adecuadas. Por lo tanto, el software puede elegir el modo Muy Alto o Alto según lo exija el estado del DPF.

Funciones avanzadas de los códigos de falla de Volvo Penta

El Jaltest Lector de códigos de falla Volvo Penta ofrece información completa que ayuda a llevar a cabo múltiples funciones correctivas independientemente del modelo del motor Volvo Penta. Un ejemplo ilustrará mejor este punto.

Tome el caso de la identificación y rectificación de códigos de falla del sistema de combustible de un motor Volvo Penta de seis cilindros. Obtiene un diagrama de flujo fácil de entender de varios componentes, como el AHI, la Válvula de Medición de Hidrocarburos, el Sensor de Presión de Combustible y el Voltaje de Suministro de la Unidad de Control Electrónico. Entre los datos técnicos a su disposición se encuentran la Carga del Motor y la Velocidad del Motor durante la resolución de problemas.


El Jaltest Lista de códigos de fallas de Volvo Penta el escáner de diagnóstico está entre los mejores en este nicho debido a la multitud de soluciones ofrecidas sin importar la complejidad de la falla o la marca del motor. Además, nuestro software es fácil de configurar y los usuarios no tienen que pasar por procesos de configuración elaborados.

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Jaltest CAT Forklift Diagnostic: To Keep Your Equipment On HE Job Without Downtime

Jaltest CAT Forklift Diagnostic: To Keep Your Equipment On HE Job Without Downtime

Do you have a fleet of Caterpillar material handling equipment including forklifts powered by diesel, electricity, or LPG, reach trucks, and more? If yes, you should have the Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool to ensure that they are constantly operating at peak efficiency and that you are not losing on your investment through downtime.

In this post, we will go through the various aspects of the CAT forklift diagnostic software with a special focus on how it clears fault codes and other malfunctions in Caterpillar MHE.

Material Handling Diagnostic Tool Kit

Almost all modern material handling equipment such as Caterpillar forklifts have an ECU (Engine Control Unit) as the heart of the unit. It is a sort of sentry that ensures that all the systems and components of the equipment are working as they should and if not, send out a warning to have the fault cleared at the earliest. This is the function of the CAT engine diagnostic codes, to alert operators if anything goes beyond the set parameters.

However, the codes that are generated in case of any issue are not standardized. Typically seen in an alpha-numeric format, these are specific to the type of equipment and model, even though they might be of the same Caterpillar brand. Hence, Caterpillar LPG, electric, or diesel forklift diagnostic tools will have different fault codes as the internal components of the equipment are not similar.

Caterpillar forklift diagnostic menu

Since Caterpillar forklifts are high-tech models and have the latest technological innovations built into them, you must have matching software for fault diagnosis so that any minor fault is rectified before it becomes a full-blown issue. Among the market leaders in this niche is the Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool that reads, identifies, interprets, and rectifies faults to keep your forklifts in excellent running condition.

Regardless of the model and propulsion system of your Caterpillar forklifts, the Jaltest Caterpillar engine fault code diagnostics has you covered. It might be a minor issue such as a loose wire or a major fault requiring forced regens or fixing hydraulics or transmissions, you can bank on the Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool to clear the faults that are no less than dealer-level servicing.    

Need help with your Caterpillar Material Handling Equipment?

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Using The Jaltest CAT Forklift Diagnostic Tool To Maximum Advantage

The Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic software is a highly intuitive and user-friendly tool that can be used either for preventive maintenance or to clear fault codes as the need arises. Let us check out both in a nutshell.

Full System Scans

One of the metrics in the software is full system scans that check all components and systems, irrespective of whether there are any malfunctions or not. This can be carried out periodically to verify whether there are any faults that have not become serious but still warrant a solution.

Cat forklift lift truck diagnostic

Full system scans may be run on engines, hydraulics, transmissions, and more to check the health of the equipment. In most cases, even if a fault does arise, it might be so minor that it will clear away in a few driving cycles. This is a part of preventive maintenance and is an integral part of the Jaltest software to make sure that the health of the equipment is in peak operating condition. Schedule full system scans periodically to keep your equipment always on the go.  

Scanning By Symptoms

The other way to prevent downtime to your CAT forklifts is to scan by systems. This is a more elaborate procedure has it requires the CAT forklift diagnostic tool to go through a more elaborate procedure.

When a warning fault code flashes on the display of the onboard computer located below the dashboard, connect the Jaltest Caterpillar engine fault code diagnostic laptop to the computer. The fault code will show on the laptop along with the interpretation of the fault code and the corrective action that has to be taken.

It is not necessary to be technologically savvy to handle the Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool. The software will handhold you through all the processes needed to clear the fault code and get your equipment back in working condition.

The benefit of using our Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool is that all processes, however simple or complex they might be can be seamlessly carried out. What helps is that the software provides live technical and maintenance data with which to analyze the fault codes in real time to clear them.

Caterpillar forklift diagnostic

Included in the troubleshooting and maintenance menu are a wide range of functions. Among the key ones are analyzing the state of the current value of the accelerator pedal position, engine coolant temperature, throttle valve position, real value of fuel pressure, and more.

The Jaltest Caterpillar reach truck diagnostic tool is a leader in this niche simply because there is a wealth of information that you get about the health of your material handling equipment. (Those wondering how we have mentioned reach trucks when the focus has been on forklifts so far, reach trucks are forklifts that are used in narrow aisle applications, especially in warehouses. Making the aisles narrower and higher is a good way to create more space).

Directly from the diagnostic menu, you get information on several parameters such as system technical data, diagrams, maintenance data, vehicle data, component replacement guides, and more. Again, from the CAT engine diagnostic codes and the ECM, you can perform a full system scan where you will get details of specific malfunctions such as sensor operation failure, insufficient supply voltage, value of air/fuel ratio, and even be able to adjust travel speeds.

Similar to the diagnosis of the engine, you get the same troubleshooting options for other systems like instrument clusters, body computers, and others.  

Read more about engine diagnosis of the Caterpillar reach trucks.


Caterpillar forklift diagnostic tool


Checking CAT Engine Diagnostic Codes With The Jaltest Software

The Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic code handholds you through the various processes and prompts you to take specific action to clear fault codes. It is a step-step procedure that moves from one to another in the following manner to clear fault codes.

# First, connect the Caterpillar forklift diagnostic tool wirelessly to the onboard computer of your CAT forklift. Now, turn the ignition on without starting the engine. The Jaltest software laptop will prompt you to enter the make and model of the equipment as these are not standardized across all types of CAT forklifts. The tool will now start to scan all error codes and systems automatically.

# The possible issue along with the fault code in a fixed format will be displayed both on the screen of the Jaltest software laptop as well as the display screen of the onboard computer.

# The Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic will now take over with a wide range of capabilities and immense possibilities to read and interpret the fault codes that might have popped up. All systems and components are covered along with all the details of how to carry out the most optimized rectification solutions. The detailed wiring diagrams even show the exact location of the faulty component or malfunction so that you know what to do precisely to get your equipment back on the job again. 

Caterpillar Engine Fault Code Diagnostics and Forced Regens

While Caterpillar forklifts have different propulsion systems like diesel, electricity, and LPG, forced regens is one of the critical maintenance activities carried out on Diesel forklifts. Our Jaltest CAT engine diagnostic codes will handhold you through this very important activity.

Now, what is the need for forced regens? Take the instance of the Caterpillar DP50 diagnostic tool to carry out forced regens. Caterpillar DP50 is a heavy-duty diesel-powered forklift and forced regens are common here.

In all diesel engines, soot accumulates in the diesel particulate filter when the routine is typically stop-go-stop as in forklifts, unlike continuous running as in long-haul trucks and buses. When the soot accumulates to such an extent that passive regens are unable to clear it and the equipment goes into limp mode, forced regens become necessary.

Caterpillar forklift diagnostic

Our Jaltest CAT forklift diagnostic tool will guide you through the forced regens complex task till your equipment is functioning again. Clearing the soot in the DPF requires running the engine continuously for around 40 minutes at a specific rev as prompted by our maintenance tool based on the severity of the soot accumulation.

When the engine is run continuously, the increase in the temperature of the exhaust gasses burns the soot away from the diesel particulate filter. 

Examples of Caterpillar Fault Codes In the Jaltest Software

For a better understanding of the possible types of Caterpillar engine diagnostic codes, here are a few examples.

Caterpillar electric forklift diagnostic tool

# E-31: Indicates a problem with the accelerator pedal or throttle sensor. This code may be triggered when the forklift's electronic control module (ECM) detects a discrepancy between the accelerator pedal position and the actual speed of the forklift. 

# E-34: Indicates a spark system error signal or attach-3 lever error. 

CAT forklift diagnostic tool

# E03: VCM communication error

# E04: ECM communication error

# E05: DCM communication error

# E21: Air flow meter error

# E25: O2 sensor error signal

Summing Up

The Jaltest software for CAT forklift diagnostic is a leader in this niche because of the in-depth solutions and the deep coverage provided for clearing Caterpillar fault codes. Backed by live technical and maintenance data along with detailed wiring diagrams, keeping your forklifts on the job could not be easier. You can perform dealer-level servicing that can be done on the premises without waiting days for certified engineers to arrive.

Another feature of the Jaltest software is that it is very easy to set up and configure without having to go through elaborate processes. Simply plug in the software laptop to the onboard computer and the Jaltest maintenance tool is ready to go.

Finally, we provide three updates to the Jaltest software every year. This is to ensure that the software keeps up with the technological innovations implemented in Caterpillar forklifts and does not become obsolete.      

The Most Comprehensive Guide To A Marine Diagnostic Tool

The Most Comprehensive Guide To A Marine Diagnostic Tool

Marine engines are complex systems that require a lot of care and attention if you want your fleet of vessels and equipment running in peak performance mode. To ensure it, it is essential that you have the right marine diagnostic tool to effectively check on the health of the marine engine for optimal efficiency. This will also help you to carry out timely repairs or take preventive maintenance actions so that you are never stranded on the high seas or while zooming past on your jet ski.

Marine Diagnostic Tool Kit

Before going further with an in-depth analysis of marine diagnostic software, it helps if we investigate the differences between the two types of marine engines typically used, the outboard and the inboard engines.

Outboard engines are mounted on the transom externally and are more common in small boats. Inboard marine engines are mounted inside the hull of the vessel and are seen in larger boats and yachts. When it comes to checking on the health of the two, the outboard motor diagnostic tool and the inboard ones are specialized to provide accurate results. 

The main difference between an outboard diagnostic tool and an inboard marine diagnostic scanner is the way the tool is connected to the engine. For inboard engines, the boat diagnostic tool is connected to the onboard computer of the engine through a cable. On the other hand, an outboard diagnostic software communicates wirelessly with the outboard engine over Wi-fi or Bluetooth.

Apart from this singular facet of connectivity, the functionality of our Jaltest marine diagnostic tool is quite similar when used for both outboard and inboard engines. A comprehensive marine diagnostic software reads and interprets various issues and fault codes through different sensors to diagnose any issue with the engine, regardless of whether it is a minor or a major one. However, the marine engine diagnostic tool that you select will depend on the composition of your fleet of vessels and what meets your specific needs.

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Selecting the Right Marine Diagnostic Software

Before getting into the world of boat diagnostic tools, you must select one that fulfills your specific diagnostic needs. Areas that must be of prime consideration are the type of engine, the frequency that you will need to use it (more if you have multiple boats), the kind of issues that are expected to crop up, and whether you need basic software or a more advanced tool such as Jaltest.

Marine Diagnostic Tool

Once you are clear about all these metrics, you can get the right marine diagnostic computer that will ensure that your fleet performs at optimum efficiency. When you explore the market for marine diagnostic tools, you will find several of them. Ranging from basic handheld devices to highly advanced and sophisticated software. Once you understand their functionalities, you can come to an informed decision about which one to invest in.

If you buy a basic marine diagnostic scanner, it will be perfect for quick analysis of fault codes and routine maintenance activities. These tools are typically handheld scanners that read and interpret DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) that are more of a temporary nature.

They are also capable of performing basic functions such as furl system checks, sensor monitoring, displaying live data streams, ignition system checks, and more. The basic software is perfect if you have one or more marine vessels and your goal is to mainly focus on maintenance diagnostics.

Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool

As distinct from the basic maintenance tool, you also have the Jaltest advanced marine diagnostic scanner that fits your requirement for more comprehensive analysis and troubleshooting of your inboard or outboard engine. Our boat motor diagnostic tool uses specialized software programs that offer deeper and cutting-edge insights into any issue with the marine engines.

For example, our Jaltest marine outboard diagnostic tool provides cylinder balance tests, advanced data graphing, and compression tests. In short, you get comprehensive system diagnostics with the Jaltest marine diagnostic tool.  

Features of The Jaltest Boat Motor Diagnostic Tool

Our Jaltest advanced marine diagnostic software allows you to carry out both preventive checks and fault code clearance so that you are never left with downtime on your marine vessel. This is possible through our intuitive and very user-friendly dashboard that handholds you through all functions of the software, regardless of whether it is a minor or a major problem.

Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool

From the dashboard menu, you can carry out either full system scans or scan specific systems or components by symptoms. What is the difference between the two?

Full system scans are carried out periodically to ensure that all systems are working right and there are no small or large issues to contend with. In case any minor fault is detected by the marine engine diagnostic tool, it immediately reads and interprets the malfunction and initiates corrective solutions before it becomes a major issue. This is preventive maintenance to keep your engine constantly on the go.

The other function carried out by our Jaltest software is fault clearance where an issue crops up that must be attended to and set right at the earliest to ensure smooth performance of the vessel. You will be forewarned by certain symptoms which our Jaltest marine diagnostic tool will interpret and guide you on clearing the fault. This is the maintenance aspect of our software as against the preventive mode in the previous section.

The Jaltest outboard diagnostic software offers deep coverage of a wide range of marine engines, from Volvo Penta to Indmar, to Yamaha, to more. Our advanced software offers cutting-edge solutions and troubleshooting actions, irrespective of the seriousness of the issue and you will not be let down at critical phase of operations.

Jaltest Marine Outboard Diagnostic

Even though our maintenance tool is good for both gasoline and diesel engines, it is the diesel maintenance software that is more in demand. 

The Jaltest marine diagnostic software takes care of a wide array of systems and components. These include the electronic modules, engines, helm, powertrain, steering, and more. Among the actions that can be seamlessly performed are calibrating trim and control levers, carrying out cylinder cut-out tests, and setting parameter instructions. Testing is fast and can be carried out flawlessly as all data can be tested live during sea trials at a very fast pace of 24 measurements in a mere 90 minutes.

Read more about technical and live data during sea trials of marine engines. 

Marine Diagnostic Tool

Dealer-Level Servicing Through The Jaltest Marine Diagnostic Tool

Our Jaltest marine diagnostic software has a very intuitive and user-friendly dashboard that guides you through every step of fault clearance actions. It displays all the technical and maintenance data live once you connect to the engine’s onboard computer. This data can be used to identify the source of a problem.

Directly on the diagnostic menu, you can select a specific parameter or several of them to work on, ranging from engine, electronic module, instrument cluster, powertrain, steering, and more. Each parameter can either be selected individually for verification or all of them can be scanned simultaneously by selecting the relevant option.

Jaltest Marine Engine Diagnostic

Additionally, with the Jaltest boat motor diagnostic tool, you get all technical and live maintenance data that helps you to rectify faults and carry out servicing that is no less than what is offered by dealers of the engines. You therefore do not have to wait for service engineers to arrive for servicing, your problems are solved on the premises through prompts from our maintenance tool.

What helps a great deal is the wiring diagrams that are built into the software of every system and component. It assists you to identify precisely the point of the fault or a component that requires repairs and replacement. Hence, you can carry out several functions with our software that include but are not limited to working on the helm control unit, carrying out compression checks, setting up collaboration helm, and checking ignition coils.

Apart from the Jaltest marine outboard diagnostic tool, check out our inboard motor diagnostic software too. It has steering diagnostic functions as well as calibration of control levers and parameter settings. Further, you can modify the injector code in the ECM when an injector is replaced or installed. 

Jaltest Marine Software diagnostic

Summing Up

The Jaltest marine diagnostic tool is optimized for several functions that guarantees that your marine vessel is performing at peak efficiency. For instance, if you go to system technical data in the diagnostic menu, you can check multiple parameters of your marine engine. Under cylinder cut-out, you get to check injectors and ignition coils, idle speed, acceleration sensors, oxygen probe, and do compression tests.

Each item is fine-tuned to enhance the working of your marine engine. However, what sets the Jaltest marine diagnostic software ahead of the competitors is the ease with which our software can be set up and configured, unlike others in this field. Simply plug in our marine diagnostic computer to the marine engine and you are ready to read and clear fault codes.

We also provide three updates to our software every year. This helps you to keep abreast of any technological innovations in marine engines and stops our diagnostic software from becoming obsolete.     

A Comprehensive Guide To The Jaltest Tractor Diagnostic Tool

A Comprehensive Guide To The Jaltest Tractor Diagnostic Tool

Before going into the intricacies of the Jaltest Tractor diagnostic tool and its functioning, let us first understand what a typical tractor scan tool is.

For anyone in the agriculture or construction business, a tractor that is out of action is wasting money for every minute of downtime. Any malfunction has to be immediately diagnosed and rectified to get the tractor back on the job at the earliest. In traditional scenarios, it involved an elaborate process of calling service engineers who would diagnose the issue and carry out the required fixes. This would take days at conservative estimates.

Jaltest Black Friday Agricultural Equipment AGV

All that has changed now with the advent of onboard computers and tractor diagnostic scanners. All modern equipment and vehicles including tractors are today armed with an onboard computer with the display unit usually tucked away below the dashboard on the driver’s side.

When any issue with the tractor arises a fault code in alpha-numeric format flashes on the display screen, indicating what the problem is. Now, instead of the service engineers, the Jaltest tractor diagnostics tool comes into the picture. Simply connect your software laptop to the onboard computer and you get details and interpretations of the fault codes, what the issue is all about, and the rectification action to be taken.

You therefore save a lot of money and time when you use the tractor diagnostic tool. You do not have to spend on paying for service engineers as the fault clearance is done on your premises only. Further, you save time and can quickly get your tractor back where it is needed the most, the farms or construction projects. 

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The Scope and Function Of The Jaltest Tractor Scan Tool

The Jaltest tractor diagnostics tool kit is a comprehensive and user-friendly software that is essential on farms and construction projects to read fault codes. Any type of equipment including tractors with electronic systems can be fixed using our tractor diagnostic software.

How to make repairs and fix problems are built into the software using the procedures set by the original equipment manufacturer. While looking for solutions, you have troubleshooting options, regardless of whether it is a simple matter like a loose wire or a more complex issue such as performing forced regens.

While the Jaltest tractor diagnostics scans various makes of tractors, it also seamlessly connects to other types of agricultural equipment such as harvesters, combines, balers, swathers, sprayers, and more. This tractor diagnostic software covers almost 120 different agricultural equipment brands including John Deere, Case IH, New Holland, Kubota, Challenger, Volvo, Caterpillar, and others.

Our Jaltest tractor diagnostic tool is not merely a fault code reader but also carries out advanced diagnostic possibilities. Use the diagnostic menu to navigate various functionalities such as bi-directional controls, code injectors, DPF regens, transmission calibration, rear lift & spool valves, and more. Not only that, you get live technical and maintenance information in a step-by-step guide format that will help you to rectify issues before any issue becomes a full-blown problem.

What is also special is that you get complete wiring diagrams to accurately pinpoint the source of the malfunction in the system. This greatly helps to clear the fault either through the system or by repair and replacement of components. With our tractor diagnostic software, you are always in control of your tractors to get the most out of them.

A cutting-edge benefit of the tractor scan tool is that it is versatile and provides diagnostics across multiple brands on the full range of agricultural and other equipment such as cranes, diggers, and of course tractors.

With wide-ranging technical innovations being implemented in tractors and other AGVs and the introduction of the latest engines with onboard computers, there has been in the near past, a rise in demand for software that can quickly diagnose faults and have them cleared. This space has been more than adequately filled by the Jaltest tractor diagnostic maintenance software.

Let us now analyze some of the benefits that the Jaltest tractor scan tool brings to the table.

ü Component Actuation: Interaction and actuation of various systems that include cylinder cutouts, fan activation, compression test, and checking of various mechanisms.

ü Intuitive and user-friendly tool: You get all the information on connectors as the tractor diagnostic software guides you on which connector to use and the OBD socket location in the vehicle.

ü Diagnosis and clearing fault codes: Finding, interpreting, diagnosing, and rectifying all errors that are registered on the Electronic Control Unit of the tractor.

ü Measuring values: The Jaltest tractor diagnostic tool has the capability to measure and display up to 8 values simultaneously. This helps to clear faults on a wide scale. 

ü Calibrating and setting parameters: You can use the Jaltest to calibrate and set parameters of different functions and systems of your tractor that will be better suited to the work being done over factory settings. Access to calibration and parameter setting can be strictly controlled through passwords. 

These are some of the functions and scope of the Jaltest tractor diagnostic scanner.  

Read more about clearing tractor fault codes.

Full System Scans Vs. Scans By Symptoms

Jaltest tractor diagnostics offers several options for tractor maintenance. Typically, owners prefer to have a periodical routine for full system scans that include all key components and systems such as the engines, transmissions, brakes, hitch, and more.

In this activity, all systems are scanned for any malfunction or temporary fault codes that might be minor but have the possibility of becoming full-blown problems if left unattended.

Generally, the fault codes that crop up in routine full system scans are temporary and go away within a few driving cycles. However, care must be taken when this preventive maintenance is not enough, and more in-depth action needs to be taken. This is where you must initiate scans by symptoms for more permanent fault codes.

In this case, the tractor diagnostic will guide you on the particulars of the fault codes and the action to be taken, specific to that symptom only. This covers all components and symptoms and your tractor will soon be back on the job again.

It is always advisable to carry out full system fault prevention and identification scans at regular intervals so that no minor fault not generally detected in driving cycles remains unresolved for long. 

Force Regens With The Jaltest Tractor Diagnostic Tool

A very critical and important activity that is performed with the tractor scan tool is force regens, specifically for diesel-powered tractors only. All diesel engines that have a stop-go-stop routine tend to accumulate soot in the diesel particulate filters. When passive regens are unable to control the accumulation, the tractor engine will seize up and the machine will go into limp mode.

It is here that the tractor diagnostic software performs forced regens to clear the accumulated soot in the diesel particulate filter. The process is as follows. The engine is switched on and runs for around 40 minutes at a rev that is automatically calculated by the Jaltest scan tool. At this rev, the temperature of the emission gasses rises sufficiently to burn the accumulated soot off.

This phenomenon is typically not seen in diesel engines that run constantly over long distances.  

Examples of Tractor Fault Codes

Here are some tractor fault codes specific to New Holland and Case IH tractors. Please note that these fault codes are not standardized across makes and models of tractors.


ü 111         Engine Controller Failure - Hardware Failure

ü 115         Engine Speed Sensor (8.3, 9 Liter) or Cam Sensor (15 Liter) is failed

ü 121         Engine Position Sensor (8.3, 9 Liter) or Crankshaft Sensor (15 Liter) is failed

ü 122         Boost Pressure Sensor voltage is too high

ü 123         Boost Pressure Sensor voltage is too low


ü 11           Master Clutch Potentiometer Open Circuit or short to ground

ü 12           Master Clutch Potentiometer Short to +12 Volts or short to 5 Vreff

ü 24           None of the transmission clutches are calibrated

ü 37           BOC switch open circuit or Neutral relay stuck open

ü 38           Shuttled to reverse when no wheel speed signal was available


ü 19           Hand THROTTLE potentiometer is failed

ü 29           Aux 1st remote valve LEVER potentiometer is failed

ü 39           Aux 2nd remote valve LEVER potentiometer is failed

ü 49           Aux 3rd remote valve LEVER potentiometer is failed

ü 59           Aux 4th remote valve LEVER potentiometer is failed


ü 1002       Raise the hitch valve coil short to 12 volts or raise the hitch valve coil circuit failure.

ü 1003       Open or Short to Ground raise hitch valve coil circuit failure.

ü 1004       Lower hitch valve coil short to 12 volts or lower hitch valve coil circuit failure.

ü 1005       Open or short to ground lower hitch valve coils.

ü 1006       EDC Low Side Driver stuck on failure.

Once the Jaltest tool displays a fault code when connected to the tractor OBD scanner, it will also guide you on what action to take to clear it.

Summing Up

The Jaltest tractor diagnostic tool is software that provides detailed explanations of the fault codes so that you can effortlessly clear them. At your disposal will be live technical and maintenance data in real-time as well as wiring diagrams that assist in pinpointing the location of the fault. You can carry out preventive routines too to ensure that your tractors are always on the job.

Additionally, the Jaltest software is very intuitive and user-friendly. Unlike others in this niche, users do not have to go through elaborate configuration and setup procedures. Simply download the software onto a laptop, plug into the tractor OBD scanner and you are good to start your maintenance work.

Finally, we offer three updates to our software every year. This is to keep up with constant technological innovations in tractors and to ensure that the Jaltest tractor diagnostic tool never becomes obsolete.     

Volvo Diagnostic Software – The Ultimate Maintenance Tool for Your Volvo Construction Equipment

Volvo Diagnostic Software – The Ultimate Maintenance Tool for Your Volvo Construction Equipment

Volvo is a name to reckon with in the transportation and construction equipment field. From trucks and busses to construction equipment that includes motor graders, wheel loaders, and excavators, to marine and industrial engines, Volvo has it all. If you have a fleet of them, you will require the Jaltest Volvo diagnostic software to keep them in peak performance mode.

Volvo diagnostic kit

In this post, we will go through the intricacies and functioning of the Volvo scan tool and how to use this very optimized maintenance tool. We will also largely focus on Volvo construction equipment as including all Volvo products will make the article a bit cumbersome.

Volvo Construction Equipment and the Volvo Diagnostic Scan Tool

When it comes to construction equipment, Volvi is the leader in this pack, offering world-class solutions. Apart from the company’s focus on sustainable products, their products deliver highly optimized power and performance. Most importantly, Volvo has a wide range of service stations across the globe and hence your equipment will never be stranded on downtime.

However, when you have a fleet of Volvo construction equipment and use the Jaltest Volvo construction equipment diagnostic software, you can easily check for any faults and rectify them before they become a major problem. This will keep your Volvo equipment always on the job and avoid prolonged malfunctions or breakdowns.

The main advantage is that by using the Jaltest Volvo diagnostic software, you are always one step ahead on the health of your Volvo construction equipment.

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The Functioning of The Volvo Diagnostic Scanner

In this section, we will examine the functioning of the Volvo scan tool.

Every modern vehicle or construction equipment come with a fault self-diagnosis system via an onboard computer. Whenever a malfunction occurs in the equipment that affects the running status of the machinery, a fault code warning message will flash on the display screen located below the dashboard on the driver’s side. This is where the Jaltest Volvo diagnostic software comes into the picture.

On a fault code warning, you need to connect this maintenance tool to the onboard computer and check where the fault lies. Once this is done, and our software laptop identifies the issue, it will guide you through the rectification solutions so that the fault is cleared and your equipment is back on the job.

For example, suppose the fault code is P206A02 typical of a Volvo L60H loader. Our Volvo diagnostic tool will inform you that it is an issue with the aftertreatment fuel pressure sensor. This sensor is part of the emissions control system and monitors the fuel pressure after it has passed through the aftertreatment system.

The software will then handhold you through getting the rectification done on the premises without having to fall back on visits to the service center. All performance metrics are available on the laptop screen of the Volvo diagnostic software staring from fault rectification solutions to guides on how to change components if needed. 

There are two ways to get the maximum out of your Volvo construction equipment diagnostic software and our intuitive and user-friendly dashboard will show you how.

In the first instance, you can carry out what can be termed preventive maintenance to ensure that the equipment does not go to the fault warning stage. Here, Jaltest software helps you carry out periodical full system scans to make sure that all systems and components are working as they should. Any minor fault is therefore identified at this stage and rectified before they become a full-blown issue.

These cases are generally temporary Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and are resolved over a few driving cycles or slight tweaking from the Volvo scan tool.

The other instance is scanning by symptoms. Once an error in the system is noticed by our software, it goes into rectification mode and what to do to clear the fault code. What helps is that your work is helped by live technical and maintenance data as well as wiring diagrams that show where the fault lies precisely and if any component in the software needs to be changed.

Hence, the Jaltest Volvo diagnostic software not only sets right and clears fault codes but also keeps your equipment in top performance condition through preventive maintenance.

Troubleshooting Faults With The Volvo Tech Tool Diagnostic Software

The Volvo Premium Tech Tool (PTT) is a diagnostic application designed for testing, calibrating, and programming engine parameters. The advantage here is that it makes diagnostics of engine faults fast and accurate, thereby making for equally quick resolutions.

Now let us get into how to resolve issues with your Volvo construction equipment with the Jaltest Volvo diagnostic software. The basic process is the same for all Volvo construction equipment though the fault codes and what they represent varies between different types of equipment.

  • First, ensure that the Volvo scan tool is plugged into the onboard computer of your Volvo construction equipment and turn the ignition on. You do not have to run the engine. Our tool will now show the type of malfunction of your equipment.
  • Go to the main menu on the Jaltest software and give the “Clear Codes” option from the main menu.
  • At this stage, the Volvo diagnostic scanner will start checking any issues and initiate rectification procedures. You will receive guidance during the whole process with technical and maintenance data in real-time as well as through wiring diagrams. Some special instructions might also be issued by the software which you must follow. When asked by the Volvo diagnostic tool whether you want to clear the fault codes, tap “yes.”
  • At this juncture, you will be handheld through a series of rectification actions and a wide range of prompts to arrive at the right solution. You will also be asked to turn the engine on and off. You will now receive either a “Success” or a fault not cleared message in which case other actions must be explored.  

In most cases though, this is enough to set your construction equipment right without calling in certified engineers.  

Read more about the Volvo construction equipment fault code.

Force Regens and The Volvo Diagnostic Scan Tool

Apart from a few materials handling equipment like tractors and a few construction equipment, almost all Volvo heavy-duty products are powered by diesel engines. It is here that force regens come up.

Our Volvo diagnostic scanner carries out a wide range of activities ranging from simple ones such as tracing a loose wire to more complex ones such as force regens. It is common for soot to buildup in the diesel particulate filter of diesel-powered vehicles.

Generally, passive regens can clear this accumulation but when the condition becomes severe, the engine will seize up and your Volvo construction equipment will go into limp mode. This will lead to downtime and affect your project adversely.

When you connect your Volvo diagnostic software to the onboard computer and a fault code related to engine issues shows up, our tool will diagnose whether it is related to soot accumulation in the DPF. It will then start rectification solutions based on the severity of the issue ranging from High to Very High.

Generally, clearing faults that require force regens need the engine to be run continuously for 40 minutes at a rev that will be decided by the software. The increased temperature of the exhaust gasses burns away the soot in the DPF. Our software will come in very handy in construction equipment as this problem is typically faced by vehicles and equipment that function in a stop-go-stop manner and not run long distances at a time.

Comprehensive Information With The Volvo Diagnostic Scanner

The Jaltest Volvo diagnostic tool offers a whole lot of detailed information that assists you in undertaking multiple corrective actions regardless of the type and model of construction equipment and engine.

An example of using the Volvo tech tool diagnostic software offers an insight of the working of the Jaltest software.

Suppose there is a fault code identification of a six-cylinder Volvo engine that requires a resolution. From the software, you get an easy-to-understand flow chart of various components such as the AHI, Hydrocarbon Metering Valve, Fuel Pressure Sensor, and Electronic Control Unit Supply Voltage. You also get several technical and maintenance data in our scan tool that includes Engine Load and Engine Speed during troubleshooting.

With all these metrics and parameters at your fingertips fault code resolutions with the Volvo scan tool is as easy as it can get.

Summing Up

Get all the critical information that is required from the Volvo diagnostic scanner to keep your equipment in peak operating efficiency. What helps is that detailed wiring diagrams and the required service instructions are in-built in the software along with several critical key parameters such as instrument cluster, telematic module, exhaust gas treatment systems, engine gateway, electronic diesel control, and more.

Additionally, we also update our software thrice every year. This is to keep you abreast of any technical innovations made to Volvo construction equipment so that our Volvo diagnostic software never becomes obsolete.
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